Chapter 18

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Chloe's Pov

"We are going to sacred lands of druid," Said Meliodas, with happines

"Why are you so happy about it" I asked.

"Well, we are going to get my powers back, and i get to see some of my old friend" Said Melioda, little embarrassed.

That's first time i had seen him embarassed' I thought with surprise..

"What's these three powerfull presence" Asked shocked King

"It seems that commandents are fighting against someone" Answered Meliodas..

"On the side of commandments is Monspeet, and Galand... but i don't have idea who's third one" Answered Meliodas, glaring at the direction...

"This" I  Said feeling the killing intent of Monspeet...

"Hmm, he did feel it,  shall i return it" I asked Meliodas, who is thinking..

"Wait, when i give you the signal, then return the killing intent with full speed" Ordered Meliodas,

'Great sage are you able to pressure , or blow the full killing intent at someone' I asked,

<Master, it should be easy, if i use auto-battle mode, by my calculation i should be able to copy the killing intent of being with 70, 000 power level, with little magic> Answered and Stated Great sage, 

"This, mass magic is coming to us directly" I stated, seing the flame phoenix flying at our direction..

"I will, have to use the Full counter, but then he will know our location, Vel- I mean Chloe, change of plans, don't let out the Killing intent (Bloodlust)..

"It's going to hit us" I stated seeing the phoenix about to hit us ,and hawk mom who changed trajectory in last second and had eaten the flame phoenix

"Well, Hawk mom is stronger than commandment" I said jokingly...

"That was amazing, too amazing" Repeated King.

"We must quickly return , captain's power, " Started Merlin.

"Eh, you took captain power" Asked King with shock and surprise.

"Captain's power was too great, too strong, and too destructive, and he wasn't really able to fully control it, i had to take it" Explained Merlin to people who don't it..

"But he had problem with control recently" Asked Hawk.

"That was only one drop of water in the entire ocean, imagine it like just drop from the real power he had.."  Responded Merlin..

"When we were exiled from the kingdom , 10 years ago, the girl who tried to help us, was hurt, and Meliodas almost lost contro. IF i didn't take his power at that time, there wouldn't be Lioness" Continued and reasoned Merlin, while this entire time, Chloe was silent....

At the sacred lands of druid istar

"So this is land of druid, it's not something that i imagined" I explained. as we continued walking to pillar..

"Is this the entrance " I asked, seeing Elizabeth disappear throught it..

"Yes" Responded Meliodas, before following Elizabeth along with us..

"This is type of gate, that connects two place" Explained Merlin.. before pointing at the three people meters away.

"Hello, seven deadly sins" Said Druid,,

"I'm druid chief ,Lady Jenna,,,, and so is my little sister Zaneri" Introduced Jenna.

"Then , who is the old guy" Asked Hawk, 

"I'm Theo. a priest who protects the druids" Introduced Theo...

"Yoo, Theo you have quite grown up from before" Said Meliodas, waving with his hand

"Yes, mister Meliodas, I'm 15 now" Responded Theo.

while from all this conversation, Chloe is face-palming entire time, how could man who locks like he's in late thirties  be 15 years old..

' I still can't believe it, even from the anime, it's unbelievable ' I thought while shaking my head, 

(Author note.... Chloe had shizue mask the entire time, from the moment when she walked to sacred land, she had putted it on....

"Let's get to the business, Zaneri take Meliodas and Elizabeth i will take others" Ordered Jenna, after the order both Meliodas and Elizabeth had gone with Zaneri..

"Everything is happening so fast , that i can't keep up" Said Slader..

"I can agree with you" I agreed.

"What now" King asked Jenna.

"Training obviously, you are all to weak to fight against the legendary demons from demon cland such as commandments, obviously exluding her" Stated Jenna at last pointing at Chloe.

"This training won't help you at all, with just one wrong swing you could destroy this whole place, plus i don't have strong opponents for you, so you all other would be training.. her trainer only could be Meliodas after he returns his power level..." Stated Jenna looking at Chloe..

"You should ,have some friend there in training already" Said Jenna

"Oh is it Ban" Asked Hawk.

"It would be Guila or Jericho" Responded King before they hear familiar voice,

"Sorry to disappoint" Said Hendrickson who has scratches all over his body

"Oh, did you end already Hendy" Asked Jenna, before Hendrickson had fallen into unconscious...

"Look, there is someone other !!!" Shouted/Screamed Arthur..

"Oh, they are Gilthunder, Howser and Griamor" I said, seeing them from this distance.

"This magic signatures, they really are" Continued Slader..

Time skip, at the end of their training, and Meliodas getting his power back.

"Oh so , this is captain's power" I asked Merlin.'

"Yes, even thought it's many times weaker than when he was in prime, but still it's strong against commandments" Answered Merlin.

"Hahahaha, My power has returned.." Laughted Meliodas evilly, which scared most people here.

"I'm just jokin" Said Meliodas with a smile..

"You scared me" Responded Howser.

"Merlin, are you able to send me to commandment directly for ten seconds" Asked Meliodas after putting his clothes on..

"It's not a problem, if you survive in the ten seconds " Responded Merlin.

"Meliodas, are you crazy, you can't go there alone!!!" Shouted Gilthunder

"Don't worry , little Gil, Merlin do it" Ordered Meliodas, looking seriously to Merlin , who teleported him

"Ok, he has officially gone crazy!!!" Screamed Hawk at the three, 

"Yea" Responded Howser

"Don't worry, knowing captain, he's going to be okey"  Said Merlin.

Word's Count 904

Transmigrated into Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now