Chapter 3

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I woke up feeling better. The cold breeze was refreshing. Checking the room Gabby was no where to be seen. Slowly I made my way to the bathroom calling her name. Soon I was on my way out the door when a tantalizing aroma of banana pancakes, fried eggs and fresh brewed coffee hit my nostrils. I was on the verge of swallowing my own tongue.

"smells nice... Am starving." I jumped with joy.

We both sat at the dining table after I had helped her set the table. I was busy enjoying my meal when my phone rang in our room.

"Why now?" I turned my facial expression into a sad one.

"You eat, I'll get it." Gabby offered to help.

I ate peaceful while she ran back to the room and came out with my phone at hand. Immediately I answered the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Mis Anny Palmer. Right?" I heard a middle aged man's voice.

"Yes am Anny Palmer, who is this?"

"Miss Christine told me that you are looking for a job and said that you could be the right candidate for this job." he paused, "Are you up for it?"

At that moment I felt as Is my world had take a 360 degree turn but in a good way. I was so excited but at the same time confused. I never spoke to her about not having a job.

"Which kind of a job, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Actually I do. Today 2 pm meet with Miss christine, I'll send you the address."

With that the line went dead. For a couple minutes I still had my phone near my ear listening to the end tone. I was totally confused.

"What's up? Why that face?" Gabby asked concerned.

"I have no idea who was that but I think I might have found a job." I spoke looking at her, my eyes wide open.

"so quickly... Well this calls for a celebration." She leapt in joy cheering.

"No not yet... I have an appointment with Miss Christine at 2 pm and it's already 12 now."

Few seconds later my phone buzzed, it was the unknown number. He had sent the location to where I'll be meeting up with Miss Christine.

"Miss Christine. The old lady you talked about last night, whom you helped? What has she got to do with this?"

She seemed confused, the same way I did. Yap Gabby was right. Why was I meeting with Miss Christine? How did she get to know that I didn't have a job? Was she a member of a secret organization that kidnapp people then sell them to be slaves? I have watched so many movies. Old ladies are perfect for luring people into traps. Many questions ran in my mind.

"Anny!" I heard Gabby's voice at a near distance. "The hell, why are you spacing out?"

"Ummmh! It's nothing."

Guess I had watched too many movies. What if it's not what am thinking. Maybe it's genuine and Miss Christine spoke a good word for me on getting the job.

"So are you going?" she asked.

"oh! Yah! I'll go. It's better for one of us to work than staying in."

I rushed to take a shower and get prepared. Couple of minutes I was ready. Gabby looked at me for a while before she opened up that mouth of hers.

"If anything happens..."

"Call you right away and I you'll come with a parade of soldiers." I cut her right through her words.

Same old speech she gives me when am going out. Gabby is like a sister and friend I never had.

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