Chapter 50

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"That hurts." I complained.

"It should? So what's a young lady like you doing with all these bruises and scars?" she asked politely.

"Mooma!" the child called.

"Hey! Don't do that?" the lady warned.

She came back to me. Her eyes on me with a "Answer the question" look.

"Been through a lot." I simply stated.

"Well I don't expect you to tell me everything but it's dangerous for a pregnant woman to be this careless."he stated.

" What? No? I am not pregnant. "I cried in denial.

" Well you should go visit a doctor for now you should leave. I've already booked a ticket for you to Minnesota. I figured you would want to go somewhere far. Plus I bought you few clothes using the money in your bag. Go somewhere start a fresh."

With that he left the room. For a couple of minutes I cried myself out. How could I get pregnant again? Why this? Why now? It was definitely Max child. For a second there I thought maybe Max would be glad if he knew I was carrying his child but on the other hand I remembered everything he told me.

It was as if I was relieving that moment again. He never loved me all he care about was the stupid revenge. Several minutes and I decided to take the middle aged woman's advice and go somewhere far away.

"Thank you." I spoke while taking the bag she had prepared for me.

Luckily I had carried the necessary equipment I needed. Soon I was in a taxi being driven to the airport. She was kind enough to buy me few stuffs that I needed even though she was using her money.

"Minnesota here I come." I mumbled to myself.

It was indeed a fresh start for me. Forgetting every thing won't be easy but I'd try for my sake of living a good life. At the back of my head I knew Gabby would hate me for this but it was for the best. I had nothing else to live for there. Tasha was gone, Gabby was kicked out of the house and Max was just a fake. My life was a mess.

"Mis. We are here." the taxi driver informed me.

I made my way to the front desk. Gave her my passport and ticket. Everything went smoothly. At the plane I sighed once I was seated. I was free at last.

Minnesota was a twenty hour flight from New York. I had time to plan my next move when I land. What put me in a dilemma was my pregnancy. I detested Max with my whole existence and carrying his second child wasn't my plan. I knew abortion was a sin but for me that was an option.

I did not need a constant reminder of where I had escaped from. There was no need to keep the pregnancy. I made up my mind.

The flight went by well. We all landed in Minnesota ground. This is where I start writing my story. Fresh start from all the drama. This was my life and Minnesota was my new home.

I took a taxi and driven to a middle class apartment. Since I had no income better save up. I didn't bring with me my bank cards. What I brought was my Goomar sign of leadership in the Mafia. I promised myself to be stronger so that no one would step on me the way Max did.

"It's a nice place Mis. Anny. Thought it's not much you'd love it." the care taker informed me.

He was right. The place wasn't that fancy but it was better than nothing. Luckily I didn't have to trek to find an apartment. I settled in once I had paid for three years stay. The house was fully furnished. I just needed few things for my stay here.

That night I was unable to sleep being in a new environment. I didn't know anyone or anywhere. I decided to walk in the neighborhood to further familiarize myself. I came across a boxing house. It was lively. I entered to see what was inside.

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