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Isabella's POV

After making sure that Jayden's mother is gone after dinner, I rise from the dining seat and decide to go around the house for a tour.

This is my first time sitting at the dining table, having dinner with my husband and his mother. Last night, I didn't even eat before going to bed. My so-called husband didn't ask if I would like to eat something or not and I was too scared and anxious about my first day as a married woman, sleeping on the same bed with her husband to even think about food.

Apart from the late lunch I ate at Grandma's place, this delicious spaghetti pie casserole will be the second food I will be eating today.

Well…I have become so used to skipping meals so it is no longer a big deal.

Jayden says I should spend the night in his room but I am having second thoughts about it. I don't want to inconvenience him again for the second time in two days and I don't want to embarrass myself by falling off the bed again.

I have decided to move my things tonight and since I haven't seen Paulina, I want to search for a good room where I can stay for tonight.

I have been to two rooms already but none of them are ok for me to stay in. The first room is the gym while the other is a storeroom. Jayden said he had told the maids to prepare a room for me already and I wonder where it is located.

Jayden didn't answer my question. He was shocked when I asked him why he married me and when we heard his mother's voice from downstairs, I quickly went out.

I intend to still ask him again tonight before moving. I need to know. I was so stupid to have ventured into this without asking for the reason why we are doing this or why he is doing this rather.

He is pretending to everyone, even his mother and I want to know why.

I throw the third door open to see unused furniture stocked there. I close it back immediately, heaving a deep sigh and staring at the other doors that are lined up, wondering where my room is and why Jayden would want my room to be far from his.

I doubt that. I am sure my room is close to his room in case something happens and I have to rush down to his room whenever a guest visits.

Thinking about everything now, it feels silly. I feel foolish. But who am I to blame when money is involved?

I turn back on my heels, giving up on doing this myself. I should look for Paulina. I am sure she is aware of this thing between Jayden and me and I don't need to be embarrassed about it.

I'm just wondering how she will look at me or what the other maids will think of me. I also want to know if the maids know apart from Paulina.

I take the staircase down slowly, taking my mind off everything; Jayden, my marriage, Juliet, and Grandma. I turn to the other side of the staircase to go up to Jayden's room and pack my things.

I don't know if he is back in his room. He had accompanied his mother out when she was leaving. If he is back, I would just pack my things and ask him to help me get Paulina so she can help me to the room.

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