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Isabella's POV

Finding my way to the restroom, I heave a deep sigh of relief for escaping that man's piercing eyes which seemed to be searching for answers.

I don't feel like using the restroom. I just used that as an excuse to escape and get my emotions together.

I am as nervous as hell and it is damn surprising. I thought I had this all in control and I am gradually getting over my nervousness about being Jayden's wife in public.

I was also nervous when we had dinner with Alejandro but the moment we began to talk, it disappeared. But this man's question were making more scared that I would say something stupid which will blow the cover.

I don't even know who he is to Jayden but they seem pretty close.

I squat and facepalm myself, exhaling and inhaling deeply to calm my nerves.

If I was to choose, I would have chosen to spend the night in our room reading a book instead of being out here where it feels like everyone has their eyes on me.

It is fucking crazy.

I just had to do this because of that selfish bitch I called a friend. She did this. I am so sure she did and this is why I am in this pathetic situation.

I am beginning to feel sick with the number of people at this so-called event. Jayden says it is just a little gathering but this isn't little. If it is little to him because he is a billionaire, it isn't little to me because I am a nobody.

What the heck is this? Is this how wealthy people live their lives? Being the center of attraction shouldn't be something to be proud of, it is crazy and it makes me feel sick inside.

I just wish we could leave.

My body trembles for a while but I am making an effort to put myself together before going out again.

These are the sacrifices I have to make. This is the job I was employed for. I need to do this. I need to put in much effort to make this real and make this outing worthwhile.

If Juliet hadn't done that there, we wouldn't be here to prove anything to anyone.

I should be preparing for my trip to Italy. I haven't started packing my things yet and I haven't made a list of the things I plan to do in Italy apart from visiting Verona and Tuscan.

Maybe that won't be necessary since Alejandro will be there to take me anywhere I want to go. He might as well give me a few suggestions of what to do.

I am sure before I am back, I will be fully immersed in my role as a billionaire's wife and I will be used to it already. At least, I will have something to say about flights and a trip to major cities in a country like Italy.

From nowhere, I feel a surge of energy and confidence.

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