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6 months later

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6 months later

"Breath Rosie breath! " Mama said to me as I began hyperventilating at the doors that lead to my future, "I'm just so nervous mama, there's a lot of people out there, everyone is watching me and the hormones have me sweating for every little thing"

"When you walk out those doors, everyone around you will disappear Rosie, your focus will be on Mateo and the world around you will be silent. " Mama said to me as she helped fixed my wedding dress ," Also you're not sweating Rosie, you're glowing! Your pregnancy has you glowing so radiant you'll blind everyone with its beauty" Mama said as she tried to cheer me up.

"Are you ready Rocio ?" Papa said as he brushed off his tuxedo.

"No Papa" I said as I finally calmed my breathing down.

" well its too late now " he chuckled.

Papa stood at my side as the violinist outside began to play our song. The double doors opened and Papa took my hand in his as we walked out down the aisle.

Slowly breathing trying to not feel suffocated by the dress that weighed heavily against my tummy. I think of happy thoughts like when Teo had proposed to me six months ago on a little trip to Paris, I fell in love with Europe so much that Teo decided to extend our stay for an extra month and that's where baby Adrian was conceived.

Adrián Giovanni De Leon was his chosen name. Both of mine and Teo's middle names combined and now destined to be handed down to him as the future heir to the De Leon Empire.

Me and Papa came to a hault at the end of the aisle where Teo waited for me at the alter. Nino quickly rose from his seat to help my papa help me up the stairs.

"you look beautiful mi niña" he said through teary eyes.

"Thank you Nino" I say trying not to cry. He quickly went back down the stairs and took his seat next to Elly and Aleksander who were each holding one of their boys, Dominik & Tymon Serafin.

Elly had officially moved out with Aleksander into their own home a bit after she delivered their sons. Aleksander just like Teo took over his father's responsibilities fully now.

As I approached Teo at the altar he gently lifted the viel of my face, his eyes lit up as his eyes met mine, " mi reina you look ravishing"

I blush as he holds my hands in his, I was trying so hard not to start crying before we could say our vows.

After the ceremony finished Teo took me in his arms and kissed me thoroughly as his wife.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. De Leon " the priest said.

Everyone around raised from their seats clapping as we walked back down the aisle. The entire high table families were present for our wedding. Everyone here owed Teo and Aleksander something for saving them from being overthrown. What our families did to save their skin made us more powerful and richer than them.

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