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I grab my purse and keys, ready to head out for a shift at the hospital. It's another sweltering day and my Donald Duck scrubs are not taking the high temperatures into consideration. I've barely made it out my front door and I'm already overheated. Thankfully, my ankle touches something cool and when I look down, I find a bottle of milk on my doorstep. I guess Freddie spoke to Dan about getting me on the milk list.

I'll have to thank him later.

I plan to shove it in my fridge when I sneak a peek at Freddie's front door. His milk is still on his doorstep and—without intending it to—a cunning plan formulates. I quickly snatch his milk and shove it in my fridge to keep cool. I then scribble a note on a piece of paper, reading it through once done.

If you want your milk

back, come to number

eight at 6PM with an apology.


I feel strangely giddy as I push the note through Freddie's letterbox. I haven't done anything this fun in years—and by fun, I mean stealing someone's milk for ransom. I wish I could be there to see his face when he reads the note, but I'm happy going off my imagination. I suspect he'll laugh, but that's before realising he has no milk left for his morning coffee. I have a feeling Freddie is a coffee drinker and that's what makes this plan all the better. Still, he deserves it after keeping me up all night.

"You look happy," states Kimberly, another nurse.

She joins me in the elevator, no doubt heading to the break room. The John Radcliffe hospital is three floors high and has conveniently placed its staff area as far away as possible. Sometimes, by the time I finally get there, break is over.

"Just happy to see you, of course."

She rolls her eyes and nudges my hip.

"How the new place?"

Kimberly is the only one who knows the truth behind why I had to move home so quickly.

"Great. It has a milk service."

She frowns. "That's random."

"And useful," I insist.

She smiles, checking her Apple watch. "If you say so."

"How was night shift?" I ask, catching myself up.


Saturday night—I expect nothing less.

"A&E was manic. Amy got puked on."

I screw my face in disgust. "Is she okay?"


I laugh. Amy is the type who takes pride in her appearance and to her, the thought of being puked on is barbaric.

The elevator arrives on the third floor and—as though summoned—Amy appears.



"Did you hear?"

I nod.

"Fucking outrageous. I'm quitting!"

I slap her on the arse. "Yeah, yeah!"

"You're lucky it wasn't shit," intervenes Kimberly, straight faced.

She and I went to university together, and I remember back then it was her bluntness that drew me to her. She's the most gorgeous person I know, inside and out, but boy can she handle herself. Mess with Kimberly and it's the last thing you'll do. I'll be honest, I'm surprised Josh is still walking after I told her everything.

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