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Nan and Helen meet us out and—living up to expectations—provide us all with hilarious entertainment. At one point, Helen has every one of us on the dance floor, insisting we all—and I quote—move our arses! I somehow end up being dance partners with one of Sloan's friends from University—Jeremy. He's halfway through pulling me onto a table when a song I recognise, and love comes on.

"Oh my God!" he yells, pulling on my arm. "QUICK! I love this song."

"Jeremy, babe!" I plead, finally clambering onto the table. "You can't manhandle me like that. A boob might fall out."

"Well, you know what they say... it's not a night out without at least one nip slip."

I instinctively hold onto my chest. "My nips will not be slipping tonight, thank you very much."

He bursts out laughing and throws his hands in the air to the beat of the music. I follow suit and before long, the pair of us are five songs in and just about dying from thirst.

"I need a drink," I tell him, attempting grace as I remove myself from the table.

Thankfully, I manage the manoeuvre with ease. Nic is dancing with Nan in the centre of the room and Lara is at the bar, chatting to some guy. I try locating Freddie, but can't spot him amongst the many bodies.

"Looking for someone?"

My body instantly reacts to the sound of his voice.

"Yes! My extremely handsome neighbour. Have you seen him?"

I twist in my stance and am greeted by his grinning face.

"There you are," I say, kissing his nose.

He returns the gesture. "Having fun?"

I nod, looking towards Jeremy who—in my need to hydrate—has replaced me with another dancing companion.


He nods, sipping from his bottle of beer. "Yeah, I've not danced with you yet, though."

I love that he even wants to.

"Let me grab a drink and then I'll dance with you," I suggest, pulling him towards the bar.

He orders me a glass of wine and—before I can even so much as reach for my purse—pays for it.

"Cheers," he offers, clinking my glass with his.

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, lightly kissing my forehead as I drink.

"Is Sloan having fun?" I ask, having not seen much of her.

Freddie smiles. "Yeah. I think she's tired though."

I search for her and find her sat at a table talking to her mum and Helen.

"I think Jamie will take her home soon."

"Where is he?" I ask.

Freddie gestures towards the other end of the bar. "Socialising."

I don't know how he's managed it, but the man has somehow snuck a book into his own stag party.

"That's hilarious."

"That's Jamie," corrects Freddie, smirking. "Are you ready to dance yet? I can't wait to get my hands on you."

I abandon my drink, very much liking the sound of that.

"I'm all yours," I tell him, offering out my hand.

The NeighbourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon