Ch.27-What My Heart Wanted!

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I took off his jacket and he was tugging at my shirt trying to pull it off.

The cloth gave in and came off by the sleaves.

I was showing my bra to him well he is the one who took off my top.

     He grabed me into his arms and super sped me up to my room.

He put me on my bed.

 Then he said"stay here"

I knoded and he left.

~~~~~~~Dusks POV~~~~~~~

I rested Milly MY beautiful mermaid down.

I cant belive I bite her and she actualy let me.

I drank mermaid blood uhhhh!

It was soooo good but thats bad because now I got her high and she will want me even more now.

If the other magic creatures  or her parents find out about this I will be put to death.

I left her in her room because the more she stays away from me the quicker she will become herself again.

I hate to say it but I need Jasper!

  I know where that mermans hidding.

Found him!

   ~~~~~~~~Back to Milly~~~~~~~

um where is he?

I can't believe he just left me here and has not come back.

  MY vampire left me so did my Merman.

I started to cry then I ploped my head on my pillow.

 I cryed myself to sleep.



Voice"hello Milly dont you know me?"

M"I don't think so who are you?"

Voice"I am your true love the only one can prevent you from having enternal sleep"

Milly"what enternal sleep?"

Voice"yes sadly you are in a different demestion than earth now and the only people that can save you are Dusk or Jasper"

Milly"what of course its Dusk I meen Jasper No Dusk Jasper Dusk Jasper!"

Voice"dont worry once they find your body on earth I have already planed for one of them to kiss you and when you awake it shall be your true love."

~~~~~~~Dusks POV~~~~~~

I said"Jasper,she needs you now more than ever"

Jasper said"well what for?Looks like you where all goshy love on her 30minutes ago."

I said"I know but once you left I bite her not really remembering that she was a mermaid"

Jasper"Hell no you didnt"

I said"well I did and she got high off the bite and it got pretty serious.I had to leave her in her room for now"

Jasper said"well what do you need me for vampire"

I said"well I can explain when we get to her room"

Jasper said"okay as long as you dont bite me vampire im only doing this favor for Milly not you!"

I said"I got it come on we dont have much time!Hopefully she didnt fall asleep yet!"

We got up to her room and she was on her bed almost lifeless.

I said"uh oh,she fell asleep now only her true love can kiss her"

Jasper said"So kiss her im not stoping you!"

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