ch.49 -Leaving the Dragon house

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I grabbed the bag of cloths Zoey gave me and I left her room.

Jasper and Ash where outside waiting for me.

When I closed the door they both looked at me and there jaws flew open.Almost about to unhinge from there skulls.

Ash said"wohh Milly you are wow really really hot!!!As always"

Jasper hit him and said"w......o...w..... Milly"

I said"Aw that's cute he is speechless!"

I grabbed Jasper's hand and we went down stairs.

When we did I said "Jasper we need to leave after tonight okay I bet my family is looking all over for me!"

He said still comming out of shock at how sexy I look "Milly I know but don't you think you would wrather go and see the Merkingdom?"

I said"alright first thing tomarrow we can go see the merkingdom then strait back to Earth!"

He said "okay"

"I wasn't asking I was saying what we where going to do!"

He said "ah ms.bossy me like!"

I said"you wish"then I walked back to the living room"

~~~~~~Dylan's POV (Milly's older bro)~~

It's been a whole 2weeks and still no sign of Milly!

I can't believe I could of been so stupid for not proctecting Milly.

We had just found out she did have the mergene and then some people capture her,she gets away,and now she is gone again!

I should not of gone that night to see my girlfriend Juliet!

Now to mention her I still haven't tould her that I'm a merman and a sexy 18 year old Prince of the Merkingdom.I better least not yet when I propose to her then I will.

My beautiful blond hair, blue eyed,golden skin goddess for a girlfriend!

No I can't think of my girlfriend right now I have to find Milly!

My parents went to the Merkingdom to see if she might of been or be there.I search on Earth with my brother.

Then I realize I have Milly's number in my phone I will try to call her.

I dialed her number and someone answered

"Hello Milly are you there?"

"No,is that Dylan?"

"yeah who is this though?"

"your ex-girlfriend Willow!"

I said "oh crap!"then I hung up the phone.

~~~~~~~Milly Pov~~~~~

It was morning and I opened my eyes and I fell asleep on Jasper's shoulder last night.His arm was wrapped tight around me and then I realized he was waking up.

He said "morning beautiful"

I said "mornin handsome"

He said"I want to get up but I don't want to let go of you"

I got up from his arms and said"well we have one thing to go to the merpalace then go to Earth remember"

He got up and said"fine I will make breakfast for us both and you can change."

»»»»»»After breakfast

"okay ready to go what about you Jasper?"

"yes ready to go"

I took my bag that Zoey gave me and next thing I knew we where out of the dragon house and in the meadow oncemore.

I said" let's fly Jasper!"

So I took his hand and I flew up and into the clouds.

In less then an hour we where at the merworld.

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