Chapter 13: Throne Crowning and a Certain Phenex Bastard

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Gremory Villa
Ryan Gremory's Room
3rd Person POV
Ryan's Mind: (Man.)

In Ryan's bed, the young man slowly rubbed his eyes. By the time he finished that task. He slowly opened them to see his room to be somewhat filled with rays of sunlight.

Ryan's Mind: (Guess it's my day to be officially crowned into the throne as the future Duke of Gremory.)

Ryan remained lying on his back, moving his head back to stare at the ceiling. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, but soon began to hear a female voice groaning awake.

After a few seconds, Ryan turned to his right to see his pawn, Siesta, staring at him.

After a few seconds, Ryan turned to his right to see his pawn, Siesta, staring at him

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Siesta: Hey.

Ryan: Morning.

Ryan soon sat up, exposing the upper part of his body.

Ryan: I see you slept well? Not to mention you're still in your robe.

Siesta sat up and sat on her knees in front of her and her butt nearly sitting on her heels. One of her shoulders was exposed enough to the point, that one of her breasts could nearly slip out with one hard bounce on the bed.

Siesta: Yes. I would've considered taking it off, but I was quite exhausted from all the loud celebrating going on inside the building.

Ryan: I can admit it was quite loud out there.

Siesta covered her mouth, closed her eyes and yawned. Once she was done moved her hand back to her lap, Ryan cupped her cheek with his own hand, which got her to look at him. Her cheeks grew a bit rosy.

Ryan: You alright after everything?

Siesta: Yeah. I'm alright.

Siesta put her hand on Ryan's wrist. The two remained staring at each other for some time. Ryan eventually leaned forward and kissed Siesta's soft skinned cheek. She blinked as the rosy tint on her cheeks had grown into a darker shade of pink, nearly enough to turn red.

Ryan: You did well, my beautiful snow haired lolita.

Siesta: Lord Ryan...

Siesta nuzzled her cheek into Ryan's hand more and put her other hand on Ryan's wrist.

Siesta: Could you...kiss me again?

Ryan: If that's what you really want...

Siesta gave a slow nod while staring at Ryan. He gave a very small but a visible smile.

Ryan: Very well then.

Ryan began to lean in towards Siesta. Her eyelids began to slowly began to shut as she began to lean towards her master. However, their moment ended very quick, when Moka opened the door.

Moka: Good morning Lord Ryan! Oh?

Moka looked to see Ryan and Siesta frozen in their moment. Siesta soon let go of Ryan's hand and stared at Moka with a wide eyed expression and her cheeks had turned pink.

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