66 - Adam, Vinton, Landel, and Chris

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For a few seconds, Adam thought he was dreaming. That was the only possible explanation, right?

Around him, chaos was descending upon the crowd. But that wasn't the only thing descending. Monsters were swooping down from the low ceiling of clouds, claws bared, beaks open. They were piercing, ripping, eating, slashing, screaming, cawing.

The walls of the panae court were small, very small. There was enough room for five rows of seats, and that was it. So when the panic had started, and the crowd's priority had shifted from enjoying the competition to trying to escape, the spectator seats had become suffocating.

"Adam!" Landel grabbed Adam's hand and dragged him along the steps, upwards, towards the back end of the wall. "We need to get out here. Goddess, those are hralls."

They weaved through the crushing crowd. More than once, Adam was sure he was going to lose his grip on Landel's hand. But, somehow, they managed to push through and reach the edge of the wall.

The courtyard surrounding the panae court wasn't faring much better. Through the drenching rain and choking fog, black-armoured soldiers fought back against the swarm of hralls as best as they could, while unarmed people fled from the court, fled from the monsters.

The vicious birds seemed to know that the soldiers were the ones that posed the most threat, and were ganging up on them in teams of three or four, raking at the metal plating with their claws, crushing the heads of the soldiers with their powerful beaks.

It was a fucking nightmare.

A hrall screamed from above. Adam turned up just in time to see one of the things dive down, scoop up a person close to him, and carry him, screaming, into the air. And then, a second later, the screaming got louder and the man fell from the clouds and hit the ground with a splat, unmoving.

"Hold on," Landel said, shouting over the rain. He held his hands out and then lifted them up. A line of stone rose from the cobbled courtyard below. He did the same thing a few more times and, soon, there was a makeshift stairwell that descended from the wall of the panae court and to the cobbles below.

The two of them raced down the steps. Adam's legs were shaking with terror and it didn't help that the stone was already soaking and slick.

Everytime a hrall screeched from the clouds, a sharp spike of fear dove into his spine like the vicious talons of the monster.

"Fuck. What about Vinton and Chris?" Adam said as they jogged along the outer wall of the court, eyes on the clouds above. "Did you see what happened to them?"

"Can't see anything in this rain," Landel said. He looked over his shoulder at Adam, determination in his eyes. "We wouldn't be able to find them. Not with the chaos and the weather."

"We can't just leave them!"

"They're going to have to take care of themselves They will take care of themselves. If we try and find them, we're going to end up as corpses."

Adam hated the fact that Landel was right. Looking around at their surroundings, he knew that it would be impossible to track down Chris and Vinton. Still, he couldn't stomach the thought of leaving his friends in danger.

"But--" He needed to protest.

"They're talented elels, Adam. They will be fine! Goddess, Chris is a realto."

Adam gulped, but he didn't say anything more about it after that.

Landel stopped at the corner of the panae court. The chaos around them was a general hum, a unified chorus of screams of pain, screams of terror, and screams of the monsters.

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