84 - Nick

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They didn't set up a fire, they were way too tired for that. By the time they reached the eastern side of the great pond that was illustrated on the map, Nick could barely keep his eyes open.

In the distance, the great village of Yvvi was a shining beacon. Even from afar, the multicolored lanterns lit up the darkness. And Nick was grateful for it, because it was the only source of light in the pitch-black, beyond the slim rays of moonlight. The large body of water beside them was still, calm. A few mibigs danced overtop of it, dimly illuminating the purple waters below.

"First thing tomorrow," Henrov said as they finished setting up the thick blankets. "I was being serious before, we have absolutely no time to waste. Every second we spend waiting, resting, is a second that The Golden Spire gains."

Breck stood over their blanket, eyes scanning their surroundings. He spoke quietly to Nick. "This is ridiculous. Spending the night in Yvvi would've been safer, much safer. We're exposed out here." He turned to look at Henrov, speaking quietly. "That man's pride is putting us in danger."

Nick lowered himself down onto their bed. Breck took a few moments, eyes alert and attentive on the pond and forest around them, before following Nick.

"What does this get us?" Nick said, equally as quietly, laying on his side. "A few more hours? It's worthless. I think that man just likes to lord his power over us, just because he can."

"He's always been like that." Breck turned towards Nick. Suddenly, they were face to face, close, much closer than he had realized. "Which is why I couldn't stand back and watch him treat Trllai like that."

Nick smiled. "I'm glad you said something, Breck. I wouldn't have had the guts to do that, not to Henrov, but i'm glad somebody stood up to him."

"I think he's going to hold a grudge against me for the rest of his life, though."

Nick wouldn't doubt it. Henrov was the kind of spiteful, petty man to see forgiveness as a weakness. Every transgression against him was an offense against the Goddess, it seemed. But, given all of that, Breck had still said something, he had stood up for that young hrew.

"You're a good man," Nick said.

Breck seemed taken aback by that. He opened his mouth, hesitated for a second, and then spoke. "That's high praise, coming from one of the nicest guys i've ever met."

"Shut up."

"I'm serious."

Nick's heart was pounding in his chest, thrumming strangely. "Thanks, Breck."

"I don't think this is the first time i've said this, but Sally is a lucky woman. If she could see how much you are doing to get back to her, she would be proud of you." He paused. "I'm proud of you."

"We're going to figure this out, aren't we? We're going to get to Jkaal, find the Golden Spire's layer, and blow it to smithereens." He breathed out, a sense of fullness, completeness, flooding into him. "With us working together, how could we fail?"

Even though the whole "fake soulmates" thing had come with a lot of awkward, weird moments. Even though he had woken up on Breck's thick, hard chest. Even though he had been asked disturbing questions about the size of his fake lover's cock. Even though he had been forced to dance with Breck, to feel the giant man moving behind him, to feel that dick pressed up against his ass. It was all worth it, not just because of what they were doing for the Goddess, or the fact that this was going to help him get back to Sally. It was worth it because they were doing this thing together. They were a good team, and they would be able to change the world together.

Silence spread between them. Nick shifted onto his back, and stared up at the slightly shifting canopy above them. He thought that their conversation was over, but Breck's deep voice broke the silence.

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