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Chapter 10
                                                               The Injury

My head was pounding. I felt like I was— alive but dead. I groaned as I rolled from side to side. "Y/n! Y/n!" I opened my eyes to Padme above me.

I sat up instantly, and blinked to adjust to the light. "Are you okay?!" She asked. "I should be asking you the same question!" I joked. I grabbed her, and hugged her.

We both stood up as a clone ran over to us. "We'd better get back to the forward command center." The clone said.

"No, No!" Padme said quickly.

"Gather what groups you can— we've got to get to that hangar.!" Padme said to the guard. "Get a transport! Hurry!" She said again. The clone nodded.

"Right away!" He said.


Our transport finally landed on a rocky edge of a cliff. I got out a quick as possible and got out my blaster. Me, Padme, and the clones all rushed out of the ship, and quickly started shooting Count Dooku's ship.

Sadly.. Dooku escaped without a scratch on him. I breathed heavily, then saw Padme gasp and run inside the hangar. I saw Obi Wan and Anakin struggling to get up.

Padme rushed in, "Anakin!" She yelled and she ran and hugged him. Although, I ran up to Obi Wan, who was limping.

"What happened?!" I asked with concern in my voice. "Dooku.." He said in a weak voice. I turned to Anakin who had his arm cleanly cut off. I turned back to Obi Wan.

"Are you okay? You fell of the ship." He said adding a soft chuckle to the end. I shrugged and nodded. I then grabbed his arm and escorted him to ship

I was glad me and Obi Wan were friends now.



Sorry this was a short ending chapter, I just wanted to cover what happened once they fell out of the ship— and just to have a tenth chapter. Episode III is being planned as we speak!

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