Chapter 33:guilty

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'I won't be safe with you'

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'I won't be safe with you'

The words repeated in my head.

I can't loose her. I can't loose her when I've only just got her. I had planned on taking the room down, but I had been so busy with work and I had to do it when Chiara wouldn't see.

I tried to make myself feel better, but I couldn't. I should have told her. I should have just been honest with her, but that brings me back to the one question that he been ringing through my mind since.

Who did tell her?

I pulled out my phone typing back another message.

Valentino: Chiara, please talk to me, I can't loose you.

I waited an hour and when she didn't reply so I typed another message.

Valentino: please don't do this. At least tell me your safe.

My hands shaking as they held the phone.

An hour passed and still no reply.

I picked up my phone and dialled Malcolm's number.

"Don" he answered.

"Find Chiara, send me the location when you have it" I ordered before hanging up the phone.

For Fuck sake.

I made my way to the meeting took after ordering Malcom,Theo, Elena and Angelo to meet me there.

When I arrived they were all already sat around the table, waiting for me.

Malcom was the first to speak "what the hell is going on? Why do you need to me find Chiara?" He asked

To which I ignored and sat down. This isn't going to go well.

"Oh my god" Elena gasped in realisation "she knows".

"She knows" I confirmed with a half hearted nod.

Now Theo spoke up "and she's mad?" He asked.

I scoffed "no she's fucking ecstatic that we all had plans to kill her. Of course she fucking mad" I snapped.

"Well it's not like she wasn't trying to kill you when youse first met, and besides it was before youse got close. You wouldn't have told her if you still planned on doing it" he replied.

The room filled with silence.

"I didn't tell her. I found her in 147" I admitted and everyone's jaw hung low and the room went dead silent.

"Shit" Malcolm said, but his voice came out as more of a whispered.

"So get her found. She won't speak to me" I said as I stood up to leave.

I left the room and made my way over to my office.

I sat in my office trying to focus on my other work but I couldn't, she stopped replying, what if she wasn't safe?

My heart began to thump at the thought. Anxiety creeped up on me, was it all the result of my paranoia of was the reality of this situation finally sinking in.

I needed to talk to her, to explain it all.

What she saw was right. It was the original plan, but it was before, it was before Everything changed.

It was before she became mine. Before I gave myself to her.

I pulled out a glass before poring myself some whiskey.

I had so much shit to do,but I couldn't, the only thought rushing through my head was Chiara.

My phone rang and I picked it up without even looking at the caller ID.

"What" I snapped.

"I have all the information you asked for" I recognised the voice to be Lucas, the man I sent in to get inside information from the Russians.

"What you got?" I asked.

"Iran Orlov hasn't yet picked a heir, he has no children so his heir will be picked from his close circle".

The words spilling from the phone felt like music to my ears.

With Iran Orlov not having a Heir, our job just got so much easier.

All we need to do is kill him.

"He will be in Milan in two weeks, he is planning on meeting up with a man named Elijah Koen" he informed, "he will he playing a private poker game with him and some other men".

"Send me the location that he will be at" I ordered.

"Yes don".

I hung up.

All I needed to do is get into that poker game.

I looked down to my watch to see it was late, now past 10pm.

I double checked that my office door was locked before heading out, only I stopped turning my head to the room next ti my office.

Room '147'.

I felt my blood begin to boil, and I tried to regain some self control, but I couldn't. I didn't have a right to be angry, at nobody but myself.

My hands balled into fists and before I knew it I was forcing myself into the room, ripping down the pictures and slamming all of the boards into the floor.

I want it all gone. This fucking room lost me the one thing I was carefully with. The one thing I had to loose.

I punched, kicked and tore down everything in the room until there wasn't a thing in sight recognisable.

I panted as regained my composure staring back at the mess I had made. Shredded paper, broken wood and glass coated the floors.

My knuckles were dripping blood, and the swelling had already kicked in.

How could I have let this happen. I wanted to tell her. I did but I was too afraid to loose her, but I guess that happened anyway.

She makes me feel things that nobody ever had before, she makes me feel safe, she makes me want to be better.

I didn't stop the mission at first, I know that. Me and Chiara started before I stopped the mission, but I also know that I wouldn't have been able to go through it.

I didn't know that at the time, but I do now. I fell long before I realised it.

I want her to come home so I can feel the flutters I get when she walks into the room, or the proud sensation I get every time she laughs at a joke I make.

The way my hair stands on end when her fingers feather across my body, and the way I crave her when she's not around, the way I crave her presence right now.

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