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We ride all through the day and into the night slowing our pace only once to let the horses drink. Lei rides ahead of us, the epitome of elegance as she guides her movements to each rise and fall of the horse as it canters through the night.

After the first few uncomfortable hours, I managed to settle into a rhythm. Much to my distaste, it required letting go of all my inhibitions and matching the movements of Killian's body. He was right; once I stopped resisting, it became a much more pleasant experience for all three of us. Including Fluffy who, contrary to my earlier hesitations, I've grown to like over the course of the journey.

The strength in each stride, the silence and grace in which she moves through the bush--it demands respect. And atop her back, nestled against Killian's chest, I feel safe from the outside world. A false sense of security covers me, as if Ereon's men could walk straight past us without blinking an eye.

Killian slows Fluffy to a walk several hours after the sky has fallen completely dark. It's a clear night, stars speckling the sky, but it's often those that are the most bitterly cold. Lei halts up ahead, waiting for us to catch up, the horses walking side by side.

She eyes Killian sideways, expression giving away nothing. "What's wrong?"

"We're at the meeting spot," he says, gesturing to the large trunk tipped over the pathway. "They must be around here somewhere."

Lei narrows her eyes as she scans the landscape. Killian leans forward to pat Fluffy's neck, his hair brushing my cheek on the way past. I shudder, mirroring Lei as she narrows her eyes at the trees.

"My my, what a bloody beauty she is." The voice accompanies a large smack on the rump of Lei's horse, sending it up onto its hind legs while Lei yelps and manages to stay on.

Fluffy stumbles backwards and I press myself closer to Killian, heart leaping at the sudden intrusion. It's only once Lei's horse has calmed that I see the figure standing in the trees laughing.

Lei scowls. "That was not funny, Merid."

The man steps out from the shadows and into the moonlight. He raises a hand to the horse's nose. "She deserves a compliment."

The hood of my cape blocks half my view, but from beneath it, I can see the side of his face in the distance. Silky silver hair glimmers beneath the moon.

"Where is everyone?" Killian asks.

Merid glances towards us, his eyes resting on me briefly before he looks at Killian. "Hello to you too, Killian. Polite as ever." He rolls his eyes when Killian doesn't respond. "This way, come on."

He turns to lead us through the trees off the side of the path. We're only walking for a few minutes when the warm glow of flames flickers through the gaps in the trees. A low murmur reverberates through the ground, and dark silhouettes loiter around the orange glow.

My stomach tightens, shoulders tensing as we get closer. Lei said they were scouts from Torinne, keeping an eye on the area to report on any changes with Ereon's guards. But the initial knowledge that they're shifters sets me on edge, despite the fact that I'm currently pressed tightly against one.

A warm hand splays across the top of my thigh, causing me to tense further as Killian's mouth ducks to my ear. "Relax," he murmurs, "nobody here is going to hurt you."

I don't say anything; I barely move, even as his thumb brushes gently where his palm rests on my thigh, moving in small circles as we break through the last of the trees and into the clearing. There are at least 10 others, men and women, gathered around the fire. They continue their conversations, offering fleeting glances toward us. I imagine we're still shrouded in shadows, mostly concealed from their view.

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