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There's a bite to the air as the night transitions to dawn.

Casimir settles next to me on the forest floor, leaning his back against the tree with an arm slung over my shoulders. Elex replaced him to watch Cadence, who is still sleeping. He was more than happy to volunteer for the job; anything to get away from Lei.

I know from his posture that Casimir feels the same towards the Torinnan shifters as Elex, he's just better at hiding it.

"Samu is with them?" Casimir whispers, nudging me gently in the ribs.

I nod, looking over to Lei who lies on her back beside the fire, her bag a makeshift pillow under her head. Her eyelids flutter, face relaxed, but even in sleep, her hand grips the dagger at her belt. I don't doubt that she'd wake before any intruder could make a mark on her.

Killian hasn't returned since he left hours earlier. Nobody has discussed what happens next, but there's an unspoken conflict waiting to arise. There's no way Casimir or Elex will willingly send me back to the Torinnian shifter camp, and after letting me go once, I doubt Killian and Lei would let it happen again.

But Samu is still a part of the equation. And in the aftermath of last night, the cloud weighs heavy on my mind.

I rise to my feet, turning to look down at Casimir. "I'm going to check on Cadence."

"Want me to come?"

"I'll be okay." I cast a glance towards Lei. Asleep, her expression has softened, the absence of that hard edge making her seem harmless. "Don't kill each other."

He doesn't smile in response. I turn on my heel and head into the forest. Even in the aftermath of the cloud, it still welcomes me with warm arms. In the back of my mind, fear lingers. It repeats the cries of terror that rained throughout the forest merely hours earlier. But no matter what happens, no matter the terror, the pain, the fear--the forest will always feel like home. Even the bad memories can't erase the evenings spent with Samu in the meadows, the strolls through the trees with my father, the nights at the lake with Casimir.

I hold onto those memories as I move through the shadowy bush.

The path is slightly trodden, by Elex I assume, guiding me through the shrub until I reach the narrow pathway concealing the carriage. It's seemingly untouched by the cloud, the horse drinking from the stream that connects with the path. At the top of the doorway the Royal Elel crescent etches into the wood.

It wasn't long ago Cadence and I were trapped in there, on our way to the Palace. What would have happened if the cloud hadn't crawled through?

Raven might still be alive.

I shove the thought away.

Leaning against a tree with his back to me, Elex turns his head when he hears me coming, his hand automatically going to his waist. "Freya."

"Hi." I offer a smile, glancing towards the carriage. "She still asleep?"

He nods. "She's talking in her sleep. I think she's having a nightmare."

In my mind, I see red. "Go get some rest, I'll watch her."

"You sure?"

I nod, moving towards the doorway. "I'll let you know when she wakes up."

He smiles gratefully before turning back down the path. I watch him go, my stomach in knots as his figure grows more distant, eventually blending in with the rest of the trees. Turning back to the carriage, I don't allow myself to hesitate before pulling aside the half-torn sheet.

I haven't managed to get a look at the damage she caused to my back, but marks from her nails etch all the way up my arms and neck. Inside, she's cradled on the cushioned bench, her arm placed beneath her face like a pillow. Her hair, dress, skin--it's drenched in red. It makes my stomach lurch, bringing back images of Raven's head, indented on the side.

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