Act II, Part III

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Megumi's Side (April 8, 6:30 pm)

The streets of the Lunar district were filled with pedestrians as always, although foot traffic was much lighter than it used to be. This was because of the unusually aggressive Overman patrols that were walking the streets, questioning civilians at random. The Lunar district was not the most affluent area, so the locals were used to being harassed, but the agents running around seemed much more easily aggravated, and so the usual bar-hoppers and partygoers decided to stay home tonight.

Hikaru, holding a plastic bag from a nearby convenience store, walked down the streets of the Lunar district's downtown while keeping an eye on the nearby Overman patrols. He was wearing a patternless hoodie and jeans, making him inconspicuous among the many other civilians walking the streets. The Overman agents could still take notice of him, so he had his guard up regardless.

Sure enough, an Overman agent canvassing the street stopped him as he was walking by, flashing his badge. Hikaru feigned a look of exasperation, as if he was annoyed at having been stopped.

"I just need to ask you a question, and I'll let you go," the agent said, having noticed Hikaru's irritation. "We're looking for a young Asian woman last seen wearing black slacks and a white dress shirt. Have you seen anyone who fits this description?"

"Not at all," Hikaru answered curtly. "Can I go now?"

The agent stared at him as if trying to discern his intentions, then let out a sigh. "Go on."

Hikaru gave the man a quick nod and continued walking down the street. His apartment was still two blocks away, but thankfully the other Overman agents didn't seem to be interested in questioning him.

Hikaru quickly entered his apartment and locked the door behind him immediately. He turned around to see Megumi, still wearing the black slacks and white dress shirt she was seen in earlier that day. She was watching TV, flipping through news channels covering the Overman agents' movements through the city.

"I've bought some food and a change of clothes for you," Hikaru said as he tossed the bag into Megumi's lap. "Go and change before you eat."

Megumi did so, changing into a more casual tank top and jeans while Hikaru threw the ready-made dinners he had bought into a microwave. As the two of them ate quietly, Megumi continued to watch the news broadcasts with rapt attention.

"I never thought Hayasaka would go this far," Megumi remarked as she chewed on a piece of cheap chicken. "To think they'd ask for help from Overman Security... they must really want this necklace back."

"This job is clearly way more dangerous than you thought it would be," Hikaru said. "You should get rid of that necklace as soon as possible."

"Don't be ridiculous. Drop this job when I've already made it this far?" Megumi jingled the necklace between her fingers. "Besides, aren't you interested in what this necklace is hiding?"

"Not at all," Hikaru grumbled as he speared some string beans on a fork. "There's wisdom in avoiding things that are too dangerous for you to know."

Megumi huffed and pulled out a laptop from her bag. It was Daryl's, but she had brought it along just in case something happened. Considering the situation, it was probably for the best that she did. She booted it up and pulled up the copy of the files she had found on the necklace's flash drive.

"Look at this, Hikaru. It's the files we found on the necklace."

"You made a copy?" Hikaru sighed. "You don't feel even an ounce of danger, do you?"

"More importantly, you need to look at these files for me. I was never good at the analysis stuff, and my hacking implants can only do so much. In the meanwhile, I'll go scope out the situation outside."

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