Final Thoughts and The Future

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Taken from my post on my Wordpress blog,

After over a year of writing and updating, I've finally finished Lonely Thieves, which has just beaten Land of Nod for the longest story on I've written on this site. There were a lot of rough patches, and I won't lie and tell you everything about the writing went the way I wanted it to. Having said that, I'm pretty glad to have finally finished this story, even if the end result is far from ideal.

I think Lonely Thieves might have been a bit too ambitious a concept for me. Writing and maintaining four different storylines all happening simultaneously would be difficult for anyone, but struggling to keep it all together while also trying not to miss any updates definitely took a toll on the writing quality. I'm not trying to make any excuses, since it all comes down to my ability in the end, but I think choosing such a difficult concept and having to write it for so long definitely didn't help matters.

That's why the next story I'll be writing will take a different direction. Instead of having one long continuous narrative, I'll focus on telling a collection of shorter, loosely-connected stories. I think overall it won't feel too different from the stories I've written before, but it'll give me the opportunity to focus more on what's happening in each particular story rather than on what's going to happen next.

Before that, though, we'll be taking a little bit of a detour. My book The Thousand-Yard Arrow is no longer exclusively on Amazon, and is now available to purchase on the Barnes & Noble and Kobo websites. Since the timing was good, I thought I'd accompany that by releasing the first chapter of my book here for free. I'll have to release it in parts, but hopefully it'll interest you enough for you to check out the full book.

Anyway, thanks to anyone who's come to visit my website or read one of my stories. I'm always working hard to improve my writing, and I'll always appreciate anyone willing to give me time out of their day.

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