Chapter 4

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Nate was busy having a social life, and you were bored. It was Saturday which is a day you give yourself a day off from stress. So you decided to go to a café. You put on an (f/c) sweatshirt and some baggy jeans. It was a cold November day however you still decided to walk.

While walking, you ran into my favorite person. Reese. Well, you saw him with one of the other kings. You were hoping he wouldn't notice you, but the universe decided to hate you today.

"Hey (Y/n)!" He yelled and signaled you to come over. You ignored him as expected. He knows you don't want to be involved with the kings.

"Are you really going to ignore a king like that?" A cold voice that is unmistakable said behind you.

Atlas Gray, the worst king out of the four of them. It's not like he ruled the school wrong or anything. He was just rude and would always catch me when you would observe people. He would never find you after you made your escape, but he knew you would watch them. He has split hair colors. The left side is white, and the right is black. He has piercing red eyes. My trust meter with him is at a one. He is the oldest being a senior, and you are excited for him to graduate. You don't want to be in the same building every day with him anymore.

"I don't care. Your social status doesn't matter. If I don't like you then I'll ignore you." You glared and continued walking.

"Then perhaps I should tell your friends about you watching people." He threatened. Does he really think I have friends?

You burst out laughing. "Your empty threats aren't going to affect me. You spent a few years too long as a king if you think that's going to work." You looked at him for a reaction then decided to say something you think was too far.

"I know your hair is a mix of your parents. Does that mean you stole your ego from Nero?"

Nero is Atlas's dead brother. Nero's ego was big, but he wasn't rude about it. Nero actually had a reason to have a big ego. He was everything people want at once. He was smart (not smarter than you but still smart) and strong, and apparently, people found him hot. He was nice too.

"How do you know about Nero? We told everyone he moved away." His voice which was once coated in acid was now surprised. You smiled at him and that's when Reese finally decided to say something.

"Nero's dead?" When he hears something happened to a person he just assumes they died. You thought he was the smart one.

"Seems like little kingy has some explaining to do. To answer your question, I was one of his friends before he died. He was amazing at getting along with people. He managed to get me to like him." You left him there in a daze while Reese didn't know what to do.

When You finally got to the café I ordered an (f/h/d) (favorite hot drink) and sat down near the window. You watched as the beautiful autumn leave fell from the trees. Your phone buzzed and you checked the notification. It was an observation order.


TheLostCityOfAtlantis: I need to observe someone. How much?

TheObsever: Depends, on who am I observing, and how much info.

TheLostCityOfAtlantis:(Y/n) (L/n) her past and basic information like hobbies and how to get along with her.

TheObsever: Someone as low as her would be cheap paired with the basic information. However, getting someone's past is difficult. 600 dollars.

TheLostCityOfAtlantis: Deal. When will I be getting my information?

TheObsever: You're an eager one. Give me a few weeks. I will give you any information I find.


This was obviously Atlas. Who names themselves that out of context? This is an anonymous information trade you made to earn some money on the side. No one knows that you are the one running it. Except maybe Atlas which made this request even more weird. You originally just used my talents for Nate but nothing wrong with a little side hustle. Wait a second. You would make a good stalker.

Why does he want to know your past? It's not like you murdered anyone. It's just none of his business. This is going to be interesting though.

Nothing bad can come out of this.


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