A day in the life of G'quan

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After everything that had happened the idea of spending more time with her was amazing.  I hated that my brother got to spend time with her first.  He had taken her to the park and then to lunch.  He had brought her to the office for a bit so he could get some work done.  He said she sat down and read a book, got involved with a discussion about her old government and the politics, the way things went for women and minorities.  As I was told it was scary about the way things had gone.  But we knew things had started to get better.  They were taking better care of the planet and people were closer to being equal.  It showed they may have made it as a planet if they had more time before the attack on her planet.  I am very glad she was saved from that.  Although we know we will have to tell her eventually.  I would not want to be the one to tell her on my own!  The evening we all ate together and spent the evening watching movies from her time.  We watched movies that were made to make you scared, and some were terrifying.  I had no idea this would be entertainment for anyone.  Although 2 were based on aliens after finding out there were sequels and even prequels were strange!   She explained why that made it cooler and we have no idea what cooler even means!

Today was my day and I had some fun things planned.  We had a few things where we normally take children it had rides and entertainment even a pool.  I was excited about the pool and even waterslides.  She had talked about having been to a few waterparks many years ago as a kid and an adult.  She admitted she was not a strong swimmer, but she also would have me there the entire time and I wouldn't allow anything to happen to her.   It was going to be a long ride there about 2 hours.  After about 20 minutes she seemed to be bored of being in the car almost like a child would.  She had brought a swimsuit she offered to show me on the car ride which was kind of odd to show something like that but humans.  The vehicle we were in was good sized for all three of us guys could ride in it at the same time.  We could almost stand up in this vehicle.    We had drivers that sat up front with 2 guards behind a thick glass.  So, when she pulled the dress off and stood in front of me I almost died.  Her swimsuit was swirls of color she called it tie dye.  Blue, green and purple with a bit of pink.  I must say the colors are some of our favorites. 

"What do you think?  Is it showing too much?"  The swimsuit was in 2 pieces.  She called it a bikini.  It covered her assets even though there was more skin shown the suit was bigger than other females.  When I had told her that the place would probably have kids there, she informed me she needed to change for better coverage.  As she wiggled around in front of me spinning around so I could get a good look at how it hugged her ass and showed just enough skin I had to rearrange myself in my pants.  She walked up and her legs went to either side of my knees.  Kathleen looked me in the eyes as she climbed up onto my lap positioning herself so I could feel the heat from between her legs.  "Uhm, is this a smart idea in the vehicle?"  I heard a giggle and then I felt her lips on mine and her body lean into mine pressing those wonder breasts into my chest, her breasts were soft, and I got excited as I remembered our time in the greenhouse.  This time not waiting for an invitation I felt her hands pull my shirt off and her hands running up and down my chest and her pressing her core into me and grinding on me.  I untied her top as it fell off her I could see her breasts so much better I immediately took one then the other into my mouth making her cry out.  She was making these sweet little moans that were driving me crazy.

She was looking into my eyes pulling my buckle of my pants trying to remove it.  I touched her hands and I felt her tense for a moment.  Her hands pull away face turning red, a bit of a pout on her lips "Sorry I...I d didn't mean t to."  I grabbed her hands and showed her how to remove the belt that frown turned into a smile.  Once the belt was off her hands tried to remove my pants which got me even more excited.  I helped her remove them and my underclothes.  Her eyes got big at the sheer sight of me.  My hands went for the ties on her bottoms and the smile and nod she gave me said it was okay.  I looked her up and down and I must say she looked so damn good like that in front of me.  She climbed back on my lap, and I could feel her soft delicate skin on my cock and she was wet like dripping wet.  I breathed in a gasp as my breath shuddered it felt so damn good!  Positioned over me and playing with me by touching down just enough so I could feel her but pulling up at the last second.  I was seconds from grabbing her hips and pull her down hard and fast.  But I would let her decide if that is what she really wanted.  

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