my god

5 1 2

My head slams into the wall.

I can feel my skull crack;

I scream.

My forehead braces the wall again.

And again

And again

And again

And again

And again

And again

And again

Five times more

Now six

I'm in the teens

The twentys


When will it stop

It did.

The entirety of my skull is crushed

Bashed in from the front,

Concaving through the back.

I think the worst part was the sound.

How the crunching echoed through the room

The bones getting slammed and slammed and slammed

The rattle my jaw made when it dislocated

And the sound it made when it snapped right in half.

It wasn't a brittle sound

It was hollow




It is the worst sound I've ever heard,

And will ever hear.

The sound of bones breaking

The sound of my brain being punctured,

And torn

And smushed

The sound of my neck shattering

My spine cracking

My eardrums rupturing

The sound of my life leaving my body

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