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I can feel my grip slipping,

My fingers struggling to keep a hold of the wet grass.

I watch the water slam into the cliff below me;

My feet dangling above the waves.

My heart is racing,

As the feeling of falling grows larger inside of me.

But I stop;

I breathe in,

And I reach for something to grab onto;

Something to latch my sanity on.

I stretch out my arm,

Extend it to its full capacity,

And I grip something.

I dig my nails into it,

And I hoist myself up.

When my head peeks over the edge,

I realize it's not something I'm holding,

It's someone.

They reach their hand out,

Offering me help.

Offering to help me.

I hesitate.

I don't know if I want to accept their offer.

I don't trust them.

I don't know them.

I don't know them.

I take their hand,

And they pull me up.

I wipe my hands on my pants;

Cleaning away the panic.

I stand up.

I'm confused.

I'm looking at their face and I'm confused.

They step forward,

I step back.

They place their hands on my chest,


And they push.

The wind whips my hair in my face as I fall,

Blinding me.

But in that one moment,

In that one split second where I can see through my demise,

I can see you looking me in the eyes.

For the first time.

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