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4 April 2011

Shreegarh Palace

We had made it to Shreegarh after a torturous twenty hours flight .

I heard the bell of my room ring and made my way out of the study where I was taking care of some business work . I open the door to be greeted by Samar , Aayush , Ved and Abhimanyu .

I was about to question them of their *unwanted* presence but in a second they push past me and settle down on the couches in the living area space .

"You weren't sleeping ?" , Ved asks, and I sit next to him

"I couldn't as well. I had some work to be taken care of" I answer, and they nod their heads at me.

"I want to vanish from here .", Samar whines , and I so understand his plight

At almost 24 when you have plans set right in your life and your parents pop out of nowhere , with your future – bride , is life – changing.
I am scared of a lot of things and first of everything is – my freedom , not that I am a playboy or do hook – ups , but there is a sense of binding when you are in a relationship and I am not very certain to be that way , but my future isn't in my hands , my grandparents very nicely snatched it from me .

Talking about my friends , Samar is definitely the Casanova & player , and now it'll be fun seeing him on a one – track life. Abhimanyu had a girlfriend a few years ago and had a very bad break – up .

Apparently , one day when he went to her dorm at University of Oxford and was waiting for her to arrive, he saw her climb down from a very expensive car and hugged the man who dropped her , who even gave her a forehead – kiss in return . Abhimanyu took it for her to be cheating on him and they had an ugly showdown with him name-calling her and she left the scene, hurt and crying as he described . 1 week later she met him at his apartments parking and returned him all the gifts he brought her and told him that the guy that dropped him was one of her friends brother and also her Rakhi – brother , and that was where Abhi knew he fucked up , she slapped him there and as her studies were complete , she left England shortly after and to say that Abhimanyu is pinning on her would be understatement , he is clearly in – love with her and has officially declared its either her or no one and I wish my brother gets a chance to win her back .

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