Episode 7

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Taehyung's pov:

I was busy working on the counter when I saw the Jimin guy holding y/n's hand.

My blood started boiling.

I was about to go and throw my hands at him. But y/n gestured me to stay calm.

She went out with him outside the cafe.

I was worried, really worried.

Will he manipulate her into accepting his proposal? I can't let that happen. I should do something before he does!

She came inside the cafe and I immediately went to her.

I was about to ask her, but when my eyes fell on her face, all the thoughts of questioning her vanished.

Her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was extremely red.

Her eyes looked blank and she was blindly walking without noticing my presence besides her.

I was shocked looking at her.

What happened? Did he hurt her? Did he do something.....

I was beyond angry. There was fire in my eyes, fire that could burn him completely.

Without saying a word to her I ran out of the cafe swiftly.

I saw his car going away from the cafe.

I shouted his name and ran behind his car but he already left.

I stayed there for a still like a volcano about to be errupted.

I kicked in the air out of frustration.

I took a deep breath to calm my anger and then made my way back to the cafe.

Y/n was silently working but her eyes were telling the pain she was feeling. Something is wrong.

The whole day I tried to talk to her and ask her about what happened earlier but she just ignored the questions and changed the topic.

Closing the cafe we both started walking together to her house. She didn't say a word and it felt like she was here but not here. She seemed lost.

After walking her to her house I was walking back to my apartment, when my eyes suddenly fell on someone.

It was Jisoo standing at the end of the alley talking to a tall male figure. His face was not clear but looking at there closeness, it was clear that it was her boyfriend.

I thought of walking to them to say a hi but then the guy's face became more clear in the street light. It was Jin Hyung.

My feet felt frozen and I couldn't understand a thing. Jisoo is hyung's girlfriend? So it means I got the job because of hyung?

That is why she never showed me her boyfriend and never even talked much about him.

I felt anger boiling in my veins as she hid the truth from me for so long. And here I was thinking that I am spending an independent life without their favours.

I turned back and ran to my place not looking back once. I was broken.
I was broken. Hearing about my father's health and how much pain he is in made me remorse my actions.

I only gave pain to them but nothing else. Never listened to them and hurt them and that too because of that cheater jungkook.

Taehyung tried to talk to me the whole day but I couldn't make myself talk to anybody for now. I needed some rest of mind.

Walking me to the apartment building, taehyung walked away after passing me a weak smile.

I climbed up the stairs as the elevator of the building is being repaired.

Breathing heavily, I finally reached my floor and started walking towards my door with my head still down catching my breath and my one hand on a wall to get some support.

Just when I reached my door, my eyes fell on the tall figure standing in front of me.

My eyes were narrowed as I couldn't understand if it was my hallucination or he was actually there. I was just bad mouthing about him in my mind earlier, so maybe I'm hallucinating him now.

Blinking my eyes a few times I looked at him but he was still there.

So he's not a hallucination.~

I rolled my eyes with some bored expressions and took out my keys to open my apartment door.

"I want to talk to you y/n!", he said more like ordering me.

I just ignored his words and went inside my apartment.

He followed me inside and suddenly locked the apartment door.

"What is your problem jungkook? What are you doing?", I asked irritated by his actions.

"I already told you that I want to talk to you."

"Can you please shut up and get out of my apartment? I'm in no mood to talk to you, so just get lost!", I exclaimed in anger and frustration as I was already tired and needed sometime alone.

"Look y/n, even I'm not interested in long talks with you. I'm just here to......", he said and took a pause. I just looked at him with my eyes narrowed.

"To say a sorry.", he completed and it was still hard for me to digest his words.

He wants to apologize? What a joke!

Not saying a word I just scoffed at his words. Making my way behind him to the door, I opened it wide and gestured him to leave.

Taking a deep breath he came out and stood at the entrance, in front of me.

"Y/n, I felt like I needed to apologize and that is why I am apologizing. Otherwise you know, that I have the power, money and authority that I don't even care about such petty things, neither do I have time for it.", he said and the blood started boiling in my veins.

"Then don't care about these petty things Mr. Jeon and get lost. Nobody is dying for your sorry here.", I said and closed the door shut, loudly at his face.

Going back to the couch of the living room, I immediately threw myself on it.

I heard him knocking a few times and calling my name, but ignoring his voice I went inside my room to take a bath.

After coming back there were no more sounds coming from outside. Means he is gone.

What does he think of himself? Is this how someone apologize? Even if he apologized with his heart would have I ever forgiven him? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I would never forgive him either way but it really boils my blood knowing that he is not even guilty.

"Jeon jungkook may the curse of God be upon you. May you live a hellish life and always long for love. Because you don't deserve it!", I shouted out loud and burried my face in the pillow.

I will need to make everything right this time, which you destroyed. I'll make it just the way it had to be. I'll be with my parents and obey them as a good daughter now.

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