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CHAPTER 9: Great Power

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters.


It's a gloomy Sunday Morning in The Allan Residence, and the greatest way to wake up was a knock on the front door. Luckily Mr. and Mrs. Allan, were knocked out, on their bed after their usual busy night at the restaurant. Too tired to hear a tiny knock on their door.

But their daughter Liz restlessly laid awake on her bed. One thought stuck in her mind: why'd Peter leave and not tell her about how he saved Sally and the in-crowd? Usually highschool boys like him would brag about their accomplishments, so why didn't he? Maybe he's not like the rest, deep down.

Suddenly, a knock on the front door gave her another thing to think about.

'Who'd knock at 8:00 am?'

She scratched her head before she slowly tiptoed to the front door. Her hand slowly turned the knob, as soundless as it could be. Usually her parents had ears of a bat, so sneaking in and out was a major task for Liz. However, she's a veteran at sneaking out, knowing the ins and outs of that door.

Right when the door opened, she heard a familiar voice softly greet her, "Morning Liz." The individual folded up a piece of paper that he drew on and put it way loosely in his back pocket.

Yep, her eyes grew wide awake by the sound of his voice.

'WHAT THE- WHY THE HECK PETEY DOING HERE?!' she screamed in her head.

She did what she impulsively thought, and stepped out the door and pulled him into the house, quietly leading him into her room. They made sure to tippy toe their way there, to minimize as many creaks on the floor as possible.

Once they made it, they sat down on the carpet, distant from each other.

She made her best effort to whisper as quiet as a church mouse, "Petey? Um-what're you doing here?!"

"Wanted to say, I'm sorry I left you at the hospital... alone. And my aunt wanted me to check on you... to make sure, you're okay," Peter admitted.

"Mhmm," she grumbled under her breath.

"Like you needed me, and I left"

"Yeah, I know, I was there, Petey"

"Look, if you never want to see me again... I'll understand," he admitted.

"Is that what you want?" she asked.

"Honestly, no... I want to be there for you, Liz. But I wasn't on Friday and that's on me. I can't keep doing that to you"

"Why'd you leave then? I know... Spider-Man doesn't have to save the world anymore. Was that it?" she discreetly mentioned.

"I just felt like it's all my fault. All of this chaos in New York... is because of me. I dropped being Spider-Man and look what happened! During homecoming... Sally, Flash, Rand and many and all of those kids at Midtown got hurt cuz I didn't try stepping in and stopping Shocker and Black Cat, before," he truly expressed to her as his voice cracked.

"And seeing all those kids being wheeled into the hospital... HECK! Maybe the guilt caught up to me... who knows?" he continued as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Petey..." she lowly voiced.

"I-is Sally... um, how's Sally doing?" he nervously stammered, repeatedly tapping his foot.

"She's doing fine. Um, she actually told me you helped her outta the ruble..."

"Yeah, I did," he confessed.