Chapter 17 - The Other Half

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The Other Half

When Reyna and Amon pulled up into the driveway, Mundus was waiting for them in the shadowed porch. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, refusing to enter the house alone. He watched Reyna with solemn eyes as she exited the car and entered the open front door, Amon trailing behind her. As the three walked inside, Walter and Kathy came into view, seated in the living room.

"Don't worry, Mundus," Amon said, seeing the demon's hesitation at the hallway entrance. "They will not see or hear you."

Kathy was on the love seat and Walter on his single chair rocker. Though the television was turned on, it served as background noise to their conversation.

"I just don't know, Kathy. That Dante guy. Are you sure he's okay for our daughter as a boyfriend?" Mr. Felix's voice rang as he kept his stern face on the almost muted television.

"Walter," she sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you this? You know him. He's top in his class. He's polite and responsible. You've even met him a few times before!"

"But not as her boyfriend!"

"Yes, yes. So you always say. Don't worry. I'm sure we'll meet him soon, and when we do, promise me you won't be some sort of prosecutor asking him endless questions."

He fell silent.

"Walter. Promise me." Her voice was stern.

An undecipherable mumble emerged from him.

"What was that?"


"Okay what, Walter?"

"Okay. I won't bombard him with question."

"Or glare at him."

Walter turned to face his wife for the first time since their conversation. "That wasn't part of the initial deal!"


Again he grumbled and set his sights on the television.

"What was that, dear?"

He slapped his hands on his laps. "Alright! I'll leave the boy alone!"

"Thank you, dear."

He turned again towards Kathy. "But if he does anything...anything towards my little Reyna...!"

Kathy was now the one to set her eyes on the television screen. "Yes, dear," she said with a small smile.

A similar smile crept on Reyna and Amon's lips at Mrs. Felix's humorous win. Both were familiar with her cunning ways of emerging victorious in an argument. Mundus simply grunted, annoyed at the topic at hand.

"Come," Amon said as he headed towards the dining room table. "We can talk freely over here." He took a seat. Reyna sat in front of him. Mundus chose to stand, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Reyna," Amon spoke, quick to the chase, "there are some things you still need to know."

Before she could even nod, he spoke up again. "You believe that at some point I wanted to...dispose of you, and while I am ashamed to admit that was true, do you still believe that to be my goal?"

Reyna tensed up. It was a question she had thought about plenty and each ponder only lead to a more fogged answer than the one she held before. "I honestly don't know," she said. "I want to believe that I don't, but...I did think about killing me. Why?"

Inner Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book I ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang