Chapter 32 - Desires

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All sound in the room left after Mundus’ exit. It was a comfortable silence that allowed contemplation. Dante and Reyna remained seated next to each other, gazes affixed on the floor, each pondering the same thing that could only be spoken when alone. While their thoughts fluttered of unresolved pasts, Amon scrutinized the chocker around Reyna’s neck.

There were spider web cracks on the silver pendant that was pressed again her throat, evidence that she was learning to control her powers. The necklace feeds on Reyna’s unstable powers that the pendant filters out when she’s using her Magika. If there is none, it begins to break. The moment of its complete shattering would mean Reyna’s basic control over her Magika would be whole.

Amon gave a small smile.

“Uncle Amon?” Reyna’s voice chimed through the long held quietness. “Has it really been two years?”

Before he could answer, a knock vibrated on the closed door followed by a strong male voice. “Mr. Sones? Dante? Dinner is ready.” The voice paused. “We made some for you too, Reyna.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “How does he know my name?”

Dante cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I’m sure you were too distracted to notice. That’s my dad. He was the man sitting in the living room.”

“Oh.” She didn’t know what else to say.

“Would you care to eat then?” Amon asked them.

Something then dawned on Reyna. She hadn’t eaten at all during her stay of what felt like over two weeks’ worth of time in the demon world. Even more shocking was her lack of hunger at the moment.

I haven’t eaten in two years and I’m not hungry? she mentally joked to ease her panic. However, her anxiety was neatly chiseled on her face, and Dante was quick to note it. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I’ll stay with you,” he said. “I’m not that hungry either.”

Reyna opened her mouth to protest but a loud noise drowned out her voice. The crescendo of metal rubbing on metal yawned through the room as Amon expertly maneuvered his wheelchair to the door and opened it. “I will see you two after dinner, then. I believe it only appropriate I should explain to our frightened guests the reason for Mundus’ appearance in our hideout,” he said and left, closing the door behind him.

Reyna immediately stood up and walked away from Dante to where his sword lay. He observed her with curious and fascinated eyes. Though she was wearing clothes he had not seen on her in quite some time, she still looked the same since he last sighted her. Usually two years doesn’t change someone as much, physically speaking, but it was a little strange that Dante was two years her senior now when before he had only been older by a few months.

“Happy Birthday,” Dante said. She turned to him. “Happy Birthday times two.”

Reyna couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah. I guess so, huh?”

He stood up and leaned next to his sword to face Reyna. The giant weapon was the only thing between them. Its blade was not traditional silver and steel but a bland ivory. Dark lines ran through it giving it the feel it was just a long, polished bone attached to a crude guard and handle.

“I still can’t believe you’re here,” he said in disbelief.

“I still can’t believe a lot of things.” Reyna eyed the sword. She touched the smooth blade and tiptoed to reach the simple black hilt; she tried to lift it, but it hardly budged. She added another hand and pulled, but it still wouldn’t move. Dante chuckled.

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