Chapter 4

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"Nova, wake up" a muffled voice speaks.

I feel a hand on my cheek and suddenly jolt up from my sleep. Shit. I was asleep on her. "S-sorry I didn't mean to lay on you" I rush out in embarrassment.

"It's fine"

I blush at the fact that I practically cuddled with my crush all night.

I mean ex-crush...

I take a few seconds to analyse her face. Creepy? Probably. But she just looks so damn beautiful. How can someone look like a goddess first thing in the morning? Meanwhile I probably look like I've been dragged by the hair across a dirt road.

When I notice her raise an eyebrow I know she knows I'm admiring her, I quickly get up from the bed and excuse myself to the bathroom. I practically stumbled there considering how dark it is in her room. I rub my eyes before bending down to wash my face with ice cold water, and brush my teeth.

When I'm done I brush through my hair with my fingers, using a brush will make it frizzy.

After about 5 minutes I exit the bathroom only to be met with am empty room. "Hazel!?" No answer. I walk towards her bedroom door and see it slightly open. I push it open more so I can walk out, but I bump into a chest whilst doing so. "Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!" I shout.

"And you spilled my water" her annoyed voice replies. At that statement I look at her body. Her hoodie is dampened by the glass of water she had held, and there's water on the floor.


She sighs and walks past me, placing the cup on her beside table before entering the bathroom and shutting the door. I hear the tap turn on and realise she's probably doing what I just did.

Feeling bad, I grab the cup from the table and leave her room, I make it to the kitchen and fill the cup up with water. Just as I'm about to leave I look out the window that points to the backyard.

There's a basketball on the ground, and a hoop. I wonder if she uses it? I mean since she hasn't been at school she hasn't been able to play.

I soon make my way back upstairs and enter her room, as I do, the bathroom door opens and out walks her gorgeous self.  "Hey um, I felt kinda bad so I went and got you another glass of water"

She stares at me, and then my hand that is reaching out to her, waiting for her to take it. "Thanks" she mumbles heading back to her bed.

"Are you still tired?" I question her, noticing how she looks like she's gonna fall asleep any second.

"Mhm, my sleep schedule is fucked. But since you're here I had to wake up early"

"Oh I can go if you want?"

I don't wanna go.

"It's up to you, I'm not just gonna kick you out"

You did the other day.

"I'll just stay, a little longer. If that's okay?"

She hums.

I take a seat beside her on the bed, "you wanna play a game?" I hope she says yes.


"Okay, how about truth or dare?"

"You go first" she answers.

"Okay, truth or dare?"

"Truth" her tired voice mumbles.

"Have you ever...had sex?" I ask in a quiet tone.

Hazel Where stories live. Discover now