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I woke up the next morning with a sick feeling in my stomach.

I had to drag my way through my daily routine, each step took a lot more effort than it ever should have.

I had a quick breakfast, walked the dog around the block and occasionally fed him some dog treats.

Everything felt so boring, repeated, plain.

The buildings all looked the same, the people bore the same unamused expressions on their faces as the clouds began to grow darker.

Jake dropped by my apartment almost straight after I came back.

"Good morning," he said as he stood at the door.

I groaned, letting him in.

"Good to see you too," he joked.

"I feel like crap," I grumbled as I flopped down on my couch.

"Boy problems?" He sat beside me.

I threw a cushion at him, "You sound like a girl."

He pulled a face.

"Why do you have to be straight?" I asked.

"Because women have boo-"

I threw another cushion at him, "I'm serious. I could just date you and get over Dev, life would be so much easier."

"I'm pretty sure it's not that easy. What happened this time?" He said, pulling out a few textbooks from his backpack.

"He's gay," I said.

He stared at me. "Liar."

"I swear!"

"Holy shit," he laughed.

"It's not funny," I said through my clenched jaws.

"I beg to differ," he chuckled.

I lifted another cushion.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I take it back, don't hit me with another one, please!" He almost shouted, his hands in the air.

I almost laughed, but was too upset to even smile.

I sighed, "Biology?"

He nodded, and I sluggishly moved towards him so he could begin his lesson.


A few hours later, I found my self walking towards the café.

The weather wasn't too bad, a little chilly I would say, but the sun was still out.

A different band was playing on stage when I walked in, the smell of coffee and baked goods filling my nostrils.

"Hello, Nate," Tom nodded when I took a seat. "The usual?"

"How about cinnamon tea this time?"

"Sure," he replied, but only after shooting me a curious glance.

He came back with a trey a few songs later, setting the tea against the table. Then he slid in the chair in front of me. I raised my eyebrows at him as I sipped my tea, the hot liquid warming me from the toe up.

"You seem a little down," Tom stated.

I stared at him, then glanced away.


"You sound like a girl," I said, the second time that day.

"Ouch, you're hurting me. Now spill."

I rolled my eyes, "Dev's back."

He looked surprised, "So soon?"

After my frequent visits to the café, Tom and I developed a strange kind of friendship, and I told him about Devin. Everything about him.

Mr. Lone Boy /BoyxBoy/Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon