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The cafe was uncharacteristically quiet.

The door swung shut behind me with a twinkle from the overhead bell, and a few of the only waiters glanced up momentarily before looking away, seemingly bored out of their minds.

I took a seat behind at one of the farthest booths, leaning my head against one hand as I watched rain drops slowly descended from the grey clouds.

My mood had dampened as soon as I had left Rob's company, and I could not believe that it had taken me this long to realize that he was a great person to keep my spirits up.

I had taken him for granted, like I did most things.

I hated myself for that.

I hated myself for a lot of things, actually.

"Nate! Where the hell have you been?" Tom exclaimed as he dropped down on the seat facing me.

I shrugged.

"I haven't seen you since the camping trip, what happened?" His voice softened, like he could sense I wasn't feeling so good.

No, I felt like absolute shit.

"Stuff," I finally spoke. "I need camomile."

I saw him grimace. "Must be some serious stuff, then. I'll get it as soon as I can, wait here."

I nodded.

Where else would I go?

My attention swiveled back to the window, where the rain was slowly leaving its trail on the glass.

Without meaning to, I checked my phone, but I had no missed calls or texts. From anyone.

Deep down, I knew I was hoping that Ian would try to contact me again.

Inside, somewhere at my very inner self, I still imagine myself in his arms as he held me because I was too weak to carry myself.

"Here," Tom said, placing the tea cup in front of me. "Camomile with honey."

I wrapped my fingers around the hot liquid. "Thanks."

"Now tell me what happened."


"Then why are you here?" He raised his eyebrows, leaning back against his seat and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I want to tell you," I said, "but I don't know how. I don't how you'll react or where I should start."

"Start from the beginning," he deadpanned.

"You already know the beginning."

He sighed. "Is this about Devin again?"

I winced. "Sort of?"

"Oh, crap. Do you still like him?" he asked, his eyes widening.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Quite the contrary."

"Oh, is this is about you not liking him anymore? Best friends fight all the time, Nate. It doesn't mean you have to stop being friends."

"We didn't fight. That's the thing...But that's not why I'm here."

I closed my eyes as I tried to gather my thoughts. "I'm moving back in with my parents. Actually, I should be there right now, and the dog is still in my car which is probably not the best idea but-"

"Wait, why are you moving back in?"

"If I tell you, promise me you won't freak out. And don't tell Jesse."

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