Chapter Fifteen

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Third-person pov:

Alvarez looked around at everyone in the room when Crystal smiled brightly at him. She wiggled in Pheonix arms who put her down on her feet and she giggled and rushed to Alvarez: "papa"

A smile came on his lips as he kneeled and picked her in his arms when Venom smirked: "Alvarez Eric Santiago just kneeled in front of someone?"

Lucifer smirked and whistled making her look at him flinching slightly: "Woah, big brother"

Alvarez saw her flinching and he can see in his eyes that she is exhausted and overwhelmed by all the attention. He gently picked her in his arms and throw his laptop bag on the couch and cooed gently: "Is my princess tired?"

She slowly nods her head leaning on his shoulder making a smile appear on his face. All their family members are shocked except his sons as they just saw it every day now. He lightly bounced her in his arms saying: "well it's your nap time. We're going to your room and have a good nap, huh? How does that sound princess?"

She mumbled feeling sleepy: "good papa Eric"

He smiled gently and kissed her cheek while walking upstairs. He reached her room and gently laid her down on the bed making her wince. He hummed softly: "yes princess, Papa is right here beside you"

Shs frowned and her hands start searching for him as her eyes closed. He grabbed her Poco (her stuffed animal) from the bed and placed it in her arms then laid down next to her. She immediately holds her Poco and his bicep tightly smiling in happiness then galling asleep eventually.

Alvarez smiled and get up after some time when he realised she falls asleep and covered her with the blanket. He put pillows around her to keep her safe from falling and kissed her forehead. He put the baby monitor on the saw bedside table and walked out of the room. He left the door open just a little so he can hear her when she need him.

He grabbed his iPad from his room and walked downstairs when Andre growled in a low voice: "in your office right now"

Alvarez followed him quietly as they all reached his office. They all encircled him and he said simply looking at his father: "Dad, it's just"

Andre just smirked when Rick said: "I will surely need to see you in my torture cell"

Alvarez knows Rick is sweet and soft only for his best friend but a total beast for others in the torture cell, he becomes a monster who only wants blood and makes his prey cry till his last breath for death. Alvarez said simply: "she wasn't comfortable and I don't wanna pressure her with"

Lucifer said darkly: "with our presence"

Phoenix sighed: "Uncle Lucifer, dad doesn't mean it like that"

Alvarez said blankly: "Of course, I don't mean it like that. I'm just okay sit down and I will tell you guys everything, how I met her"

They all glared at him but sit down after a few seconds. Alvarez sit down on his chair and settled down his Ipad in front of him to keep his eyes on his princess. He took a deep breath and (here goes everything from the start till now)

Everyone was shocked and mostly amazed at how she changed all of them like this. Andre and Rick growled at the same time: "how the heck can those fuckers call her a Curse? She is a blessing to his earth"

They nodded in agreement and Ryan growled: "I will cut their tongues who call my baby sister these horrible words, stupid fuckers"

Andre nodded at his grandson proudly and smirked: "From now on if anyone even looks at my granddaughter with their dirty eyes, I will pluck out their eyes and feed them to Apollo"

Crystal: BLESS OR CURSE ✔ (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now