Chapter 1

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For any of my re-readers, I've decided to change Selous name. I was just trying something out but now I think it's rather weird. Let me know what you think of my new name!

"Running a marathon," Nathan said, letting out a long sigh that formed a small cloud in front of him. It was only fall but it was pretty chilly in Lake Tahoe. It was early September so there wasn't any snow yet but everyone standing on the side walk waiting for the bright yellow school bus to come pick them up was bundled up with rain boots and thick coats. There was no snow but the ground was very wet, the dirt on the side of the sidewalk only muddy, and there was at least an inch of water in the gutter flowing to the storm drains. In actuality, the proper bus stop waiting area was on the corner of Lester Avenue but it was at the bottom of a small hill making a small pool there. It didn't help that most drivers didn't have the common curtesy to slow down as they drove past causing a wave to splash anyone nearby so all the Saber High students were huddled farther down the street waiting restlessly wanting to get out of the cold.

"Using an old razor that doesn't actually cut your facial hair but cuts your skin when you try," Issac said, shivering almost violently in his three layers of coats. Issac was pretty tall and lean but he basically had no body fat, hence the many layer of coats.

"Putting on heavy duty boots, one's you have to not only tighten the laces but wrap around those metal pegs on the sides too, and find out that there's a pebble in your shoe causing you sharp pains," Nathan said enthusiastically, Issac nodding in agreement though that could just be a movement so his neck didn't go stiff from hunching down like a turtle in his coat.

"Having a substitute teacher who tries to enforce their own morals and values onto the students, even if it's wildly inappropriate or hella racist," Issac said causing them both to roll their eyes as they remembered this one substitute teacher from their middle school years.

"Speaking of Mrs. Canter, I heard she's no longer allowed to be a sub anymore. A parent finally complained to the student board and they finally banned her from teaching in this county. I think the news even reported on it," Nathan said just as the school bus pulled up on the corner, honking twice to get the students attention who quickly ran over as fast as they dared on the wet sidewalk.

"You've got to appreciate Karen's sometimes," Issac said, his teeth chattering noisily as they stood at the back of the group that slowly but surely clamored onto the bus. There were kids from elementary to high school and yet none of them knew how to wait in a line, much less wait patiently. A sixteen year old even pushed a seven year old out of the way so they could get on the bus first, Nathan and Issac making a face at their classmates back. "People suck," Issac grumbled, shaking his head like he just couldn't believe it.

"Oh! Having a Karen bus driver who forces the kids to sit in different groups on the bus, like kindergarten in the front and so on, which means your stuck sitting in the back with the popular kids who talk about who did what at a party and you learn something from your classmate that you didn't want to know about like two of your classmates, whom you've known since elementary, had sex," Nathan said and gave a dramatic shudder before climbing onto the buss followed by Issac.

The doors shut behind them and they quickly found their seats before the bus driver, a cranky old man, started driving who didn't care whether everyone was seated or not. They were the second stop but despite there only being a little more than ten students currently on the bus, people took up their own benches even if they were sitting alone. Especially the elementary student kids who liked to lay down or sit sideways with their legs stretched out. There was only two benches free which Nathan and Issac took up with maybe only a little room for a third person if need be but they didn't pick up a lot of kids on their bus route so there was no worry about sitting with some rando they didn't like or know.

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