Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry but Frodo is a god damn moron," Nathan vented, Issac gasping dramatically as Nathan pointed at the TV with a Cheeto Puff. "He knows there's the scary Grim Reaper guys after him, along with the crazy orc dudes. He knows Skodrim is after the ring yet he keeps straying away from the fellowship! He's a stupid little moron," Nathan said as he waved around the Cheeto Puff like a conductors wand.

"The ignorance," Issac said with a sigh, covering his eyes like he couldn't believe the naivety of his best friend as they were watching the second Lord of the Rings movie. "The ring wants to return to his master so it's messing with Frodo's mind trying to isolate him from the others. That's why it attracts the 'scary Grim Reaper guys' whenever Frodo puts on the ring. Also, that's not the only reason Frodo left the Fellowship of the Ring behind. Not only does the ring attract the Reapers but it corrupts the minds of those around him. They all slowly become like Gollum thinking the ring is so precious and would go to any length to make it their own. That's also why Frodo kept straying from the ground because the ring made him think the others would go after the ring and, as we just saw, one of them did," Issac explained in detail, Nathan spying his friends collection of the book series sitting on his desk.

"Maybe it'll make more sense when I read the book," Nathan teased, Issac nodding his head like a bobble head insisting Nathan had to read the whole series so they could discuss and debate many things together. Issac was particularly interested in the theory about the great big eagles. Why couldn't they have just flown over the volcano and dropped the ring inside? Why couldn't the eagles have taken Frodo there directly? He was very disappointed that they had reduced the eagles to mere extras with no voice. "I wonder what would happen if we put Skodrim and Zaxton into a room together. Who do you think would win?" Nathan asked as he remembered his ill-fated encounter with the young man, Issac getting up to put the third movie into the DVD player.

"Honestly?" Issac asked, grabbing the remote off the arm rest of the couch they were sitting on taking a moment to fiddle with the remote. "I think Zaxton would win, hands down," Issac said with a laugh, catching the marshmallow that had been used as a projectile by Nathan who was acting scandalized.

"Traitor," Nathan scoffed, looking away from Issac like the mere sight of him was appalling, but they quieted down as the movie began.


"Why didn't they just take turns carrying the ring?" Nathan asked once the movie was over, helping Issac clean up the living room so he didn't get in trouble with his mom. "I understand that the ring messes with ones mind, making them crazy with greed wanting the ring for themselves, but why couldn't they just take turns carrying the ring like in Harry Potter? It would give Frodo a break so he wasn't at the mercy of the ring twenty four-seven and the chances of turning out like Gollum are drastically reduced. Am I wrong?" Nathan asked, smiling as he watched Issac let his head drop back and sigh. At this point, Nathan was just pushing Issac's buttons to get a rise out of him.

"You're wrong on so many levels. I- Oh!" Issac began but he let out a gasp as he glanced at his phone that had lit up with a notification and just happened to glance the time. "You should get home or your going to miss the buss! When did it get so late?" Issac panicked, Nathan checking his own phone.

It was eight-sixteen and the buses stopped running at eight-thirty.

"Oh crap!" Nathan said and quickly collected his stuff, which was only his backpack, but he still had to put on his layers of jackets and coats. "See, this is why we shouldn't have lengthy debates between movies," Nathan said as he zipped up his third coat.

"Well if you'd just read the books and stop insisting Frodo is a moron, you wouldn't be in this predicament," Issac said with a dramatic huff but he soon turned serious. "Do you want to just stay the night? You can call Sally to let her know and we both know my mom wouldn't mind," Issac asked as Nathan pulled on his boots, grumbling under his breath as the laces weren't cooperating.

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