the rebond at the church (short story)

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Peter was furious at himself, how could he allow himself to be lured into this trap. He should've been more cautious. The symbiote has taken a hostage at the old church that Peter managed to separate himself from, it has an obsession with this church. Of course it is Peter's responsibility to save this hostage because he knows that everything that the symbiote does is his fault, he was the one that brought it here to New York. As Peter came to the church, he straight away saw the symbiote and the hostage that the symbiote was bonded to. What happened next was like this. The symbiote threatened that it could kill its host by snapping his neck if Peter tried anything, it was completely in control of this situation. Then the symbiote said its terms, it wanted him back. It has always wanted him back, but now there was an innocent life on the line. It wasn't bonded to Eddie Brock, but a random civilian that it was ready to murder in cold blood. Peter knew that he needed to do what the symbiote said, there was nothing that he could do to get it off the hostage's body. Peter said to the symbiote that he agreed to accept it back, but first it needed to remove itself from its hostage. The symbiote laughed at his face, and said to him that he thinks it for a fool, it was no fool. Then it said that it was in control of its host's life, it did not care for him. The symbiote then commanded Peter to remove both of his web-shooters because he would not have any need for them after they had bonded with each other. Peter at first rejected what the symbiote commanded, but the symbiote demonstrated its control. It broke one of its host arms, Peter could hear the bone breaking from where he was standing. Then it repeated itself, Peter had no choice. So Peter removed both of his web-shooters and tossed them onto the floor, the symbiote hissed as it saw the web-shooters land on the floor. Then the symbiote commanded Peter to walk towards it slowly, and said if he tried anything its host would die. Peter did what he was told and walked slowly towards the waiting symbiote. When Peter got close enough to the symbiote it jumped from its hostage body onto him, it was trying to take control over him. 

At first Peter was relieved how stupid the symbiote was, it just jumped at him thinking this would go any other way but him tearing it from his body. It has tried this many times and it has never ended that it won, he has always managed to rip it off his body. The symbiote was fighting for control, but Peter's will was stronger. Peter thought this battle was over, but the symbiote was still somehow managing to keep its hold on his body. So Peter came up with an idea, he could use the church bell to remove it. Peter started to run towards the door that led up to the church's tower, as he entered the tower he was about to shoot with his web-shooters but he had forgotten that the symbiote made him remove them earlier. As Peter was wasting time the symbiote was tightening its grip around his body. So Peter knew he couldn't waste anymore time as he started to crawl up to the bell, he would remove the symbiote from his body. As Peter reached the top, he saw that the bell was destroyed, he had come up here for nothing. So now in panic Peter started to use his strength to rip the symbiote from his body, but the symbiote had covered him almost completely. The symbiote had covered half of his face, his left arm and almost his whole torso. That wouldn't stop Peter though, he knew the symbiote was weak from separation itself too quickly from its hostage. But then Peter started to feel good, really good, it was like he was floating in the air. The symbiote had gained some control over him, and this little control that the symbiote had over Peter made him rethink his situation. He has never felt this good before, the symbiote was calling out to him, it was teasing him. Then Peter looked at his left hand that was fully covered by the symbiote, he saw that something was off with it, then it hit him. His hand wasn't a hand anymore, but a claw.

 Peter examined his left claw in amazement, it was slimy and tight around his skin

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 Peter examined his left claw in amazement, it was slimy and tight around his skin. It was beautiful. He could feel the power oozing from his left claw, the symbiote had made his left hand into something greater. He wanted more, he now knew that he needed this, this power. He wanted it all, how could he be so ignorant about the symbiote, it only wanted to make him stronger. What was giving the symbiote so much power over Peter was that a small part of Peter had always wanted it back, so it used that small part of him against him. It was finally getting what it has always wanted. Then as the symbiote knew that it had made Peter see what it can give him it started to take more control over him, Peter did not even fight it as it started to ooze itself over his body. It knew that it was making him feel good, the power, the feeling of its wet touch, everything was overwhelming him into succumbing to it.

 It knew that it was making him feel good, the power, the feeling of its wet touch, everything was overwhelming him into succumbing to it

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 It started to destroy his spiderman suit, he wouldn't be needing it anymore as spiderman would die this day. Peter was loving this, he could feel the symbiote ooze itself through his spiderman suit, it wet cold touch confronted him. It made him feel relaxed, but it also hurts him. As this was all happening, Peter could feel himself getting stronger, feeling the symbiote taking full control. And now the symbiote had fully covered his body, now it was time for them to become one. Peter felt his mind opening up to the symbiote, it was breaking it down into pieces.

"YESSSSS." Hissed Peter as his voice was already starting to change.

Then Peter felt his right hand start to turn into a claw, it felt amazing seeing it transform in front of his own eyes. This was true power, and it was all his. Peter then smiled beneath the symbiote as he started to stroke his chest with his claws. Now venom's symbol was around his torso, it would be there now forever. This was something Peter thought he would never experience in his life, everything that was happening brought him joy. So much joy he started to laugh. As Peter started to laugh, his mask bursts open to form a jaw and revealing a monstrous mouth that was filled with razor sharp teeths. A serpent-like tongue came flying out of Peter's new mouth and with it came green thick saliva.

"BWAHAHAHA! WE ARE VENOM!" shouted venom their new name. Venom's shout echoed through the church.

 Venom's shout echoed through the church

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