spider man animated series: the alley

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"All right. I give up. Rather go to jail than be a snitch" said the rhino as he was laying on the grass defeated by spiderman. "Who said anything about jail?" said spiderman as he stood over the rhino. "Huh? i don't get it?" said the rhino as he was beginning to get scared of spider man. "You will! It is like this! I'm through with not getting what I want!" said spiderman as he shot a web at the metal gate the rhino took down earlier. "What are you doing? I told you, I give up." said the rhino as he watched spiderman pulling the metal gate towards them. "Thats funny! I give up too! I give up trying to be a friendly neighborhood spiderman!" said spiderman as he picked up the metal gate over his head. "NO! No you can't!" shouted the rhino for his life. "Can't i?" said spiderman as he was about to kill the rhino with the metal gate. But then Peter started to remember how his loved ones have been telling him he was acting strange. "No, no don't. DONT!" screamed the rhino as he was expecting the worst. But as he opened his eyes, he saw that spiderman was gone, he was alone now. Spiderman was now in an abandoned alley, he was there because he didn't want to accidentally hurt someone like he almost did to the rhino. "I almost did something back there that I would have regretted for the rest of my life and i have no idea why?" thought Peter to himself. Peter was sticking to the wall of one of the buildings in the alley he was in. Then all of sudden he started to feel like his suit was vibrating alround his body, he hugged himself trying to stop whatever his suit was doing. Peter felt like something was telling him to look at his reflection, so he did. He looked into one off the window that was on the wall he was on, first he saw just a dark silhouette figure, then he saw a face of a monster. This monster that Peter just saw was just like his new black spiderman suit, but different. This monster had a monstrous mouth with razor sharp teeth, and its eyes were like lightning bolts. "What was that? What's happening to me?" thought Peter as he touched his chest. He felt like his white spider-symbol was growing more around his body. Peter was about to swing off from this place, but he felt the same feeling again that he should go and check on his reflection, but this time it didn't feel like something was telling him to do it. He was about to look into the same window to check on his reflection, but he spotted a mirror next to a trash container down in the alley. Peter let himself fall down from the wall he was sticking to, he landed on his feet in the alley. Peter was now standing in front of the mirror checking out his reflection. His reflection wasn't a monster, it was just his new black spiderman suit. Then he started to hear a distant echo in his mind, the echo said. "Embrace the power. Embrace us. Let us expand your mind." After the echo was gone, Peter felt like something was trying to go inside his mind, then he started to feel relaxed. Peter gave into this feeling, he felt his body changing. He was getting taller, and his white spider-symbol was covering more off his chest and his back. As his transformation was happening, he closed his eyes. But his body wasn't the only thing transforming, his mind was also changing. Peter felt like there was something wrapping itself around his mind, like his mind was becoming a hive mind. Peter opened his eyes and what he saw made him feel good, he was a little bit taller and muscular. Then he felt his suit tightening around his body, he felt his suit destroy his white underwear. As the suit was tightening around his body, he heard another echo, but this one was much louder. "You're weak without us. accept us. Become free." "YESSSS!" said Peter, his voice had changed, his voice now sounded like it was corrupted. Then Peter blacked out. 

He woke up in the same nightmare that he had yesterday, the place of this nightmare was abandoned in New York. Now he wasn't wearing his grey pajamas, he was wearing his black suit. He heard that something was behind him, it was the same giant shadow figure that ate him when he dreamt this nightmare the first time. But now it was connected to his back, like there was one being. Peter saw there were tentacles coming out of his back that went up in the air, those tentacles were the giant shadow that was behind him. Then he saw the giant shadow point at something, the giant shadow was pointing at the same spiderman suit that was also in his nightmare he had yesterday. But the last time he dreamt this nightmare, the spiderman suit and the shadow were equally as big, but now the spiderman suit was small and weak. Peter knew what the shadow wanted him to do, it wanted to make him get rid of the spiderman suit, the shadow wanted to see if he was ready to fully embrace it, let it change him. Peter started to walk to the weak spiderman suit, as he walked towards the suit, the giant shadow shrinked and became a part of him. Every step Peter took, he felt he was becoming more powerful, and soon he would have all the power he could dream off. Peter was about to punch the weak, small spiderman suit, but he saw his fist had turned into a claw. So he thrusted his claw through the suit and killed it. His now muscular arm was sticking through the suit, Peter watched as the suit faded away from existence. Peter didn't realize that his actions had changed his life forever. Peter heard the shadow laughing behind him, well it sounded that away for him. As Peter turned around, he saw the shadow was not as big as it was, and it was right in front of his face. The shadow was now making monstrous noises, then it spoke. "weeeEEE Are VENOM!" Peter woke up from his nightmare, he was still standing in front of the mirror in the alley. But now he was the monster he saw in the window, he was a new being. Peter liked what he saw, he loved his new look and his new body that was chosen for him. He opened his new monstrous mouth, he wanted to see it in all of its glory. He saw all of his razor sharp teeth, and he did not expect to have a serpent-like tongue. He started to dangle his new tongue, as he was playing with his new tongue, he was making the same noises the shadow in his nightmare was making. Then he realized something, he wasn't breathing, it was like something was breathing for him. Then he felt an urge to accept his new body. "WE ARE NO LONGER SPIDERMAN OR PETER PARKER. WE ARE VENOM!" venom said to their reflection in the mirror. Venom shot a web and started to swing away, starting their new life as a monster.

 Venom shot a web and started to swing away, starting their new life as a monster

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