𝑿𝑰: 𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓

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Violence, deaths, slight gore is the content for this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with any of these then I suggest you to read at your own risk. You have been warned.


Nox appeared out of nowhere in front of Aeliana and blocked her from going to Aiden.

"Move." she hissed.

Nox didn't answer her, instead he kept his eyes locked onto her.

"I SAID MOVE IT!" she shouted, her patience running thin. He stood still, unmoving. She then prepared herself to fight him.

"Iris, Eleyya, Kai. Go to Aiden. Now. Let me handle this guy." she demanded, throwing away her scabbard.

The three of them said no less and ran into Aiden's direction but again was stopped because of the corrupted childrens.

In the speed of light, Aeliana slashed all of them simultaneously using her infused sword and they all screamed in agony before melting into dust. The bloodlust in her eyes could be seen clearly. She looked like a predator hunting it's prey.

Her friends were quite shocked with her sudden change in behavior. They have never seen her this mad. It sent shivers down their spine seeing the Aeliana who were smiling brightly a while ago, looking like a war-mad soldier.

They then scurried away quickly to help Aiden leaving the two people stare at each other with bloodlust filling the air.

This fight between them won't be clean.


"Aiden!" Iris shouted.

Hearing a familiar voice, Aiden's face flipped in joy to the direction of the person who called him.

"Everyone..." he murmured in relieve. This took him back months before the present time.

Aiden's POV

I was walking through the murky and muddy water of the Forsaken Desert. The elders warned me to not set foot in there for unknown reasons but curiosity got the best of me.

The present Forsaken Desert didn't look anything like I had seen in newspapers. It was really what it's name made it out to be. A place with horizons full of sands with a fraction of civilization being eroded in time.

And somehow, for unknown reasons, the water there seems to be toxic. It drains my light rapidly. Luckily I brought a lamp with me that could recharge my light.

But being in that murky water would only cause me problems so I quickly fly towards the entrance to the forgotten city.

Although this place looks like it has been abandoned, it still held it's one of a kind majestic aura.

The structures of the entrance door was very unique. Two huge statues stood tall on each side of the door holding a spear and shields in their hands.

Amidst all that what intrigued me most was the inside. I mean it does give the aura 'do not enter' and it sure is powerful but alas, I came all the way here already. There's no way I'm going back.

𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒍 [Sky: Children of the Light Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now