42. Baby bee

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Baby bee>>
On the way to the hospital I was worried we were going to die since Conner was doing close to 90 in a 55 and he was swerving around cars. But we safely made it to the hospital and got checked in and put in a private room.

Now here we sat almost 8 hours into labor and not even close to being ready to deliver.

Conner had his head pressed against my thigh while I ran my fingers through his hair. I kept telling him it was okay to go to sleep I would be fine but he just shook his head and kissed me.

I heard the door open and in walked my dad.

"Hey I brought coffee for Conner" he said and Conners head shot up and reached his hand out to my dad.

My dad just chuckled and handed it to him then walked over to me and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"How are you doing?" I just shrugged and put my hands on my stomach.

"Well I'm gonna head over to your house to check on Will and the kids and I'll be back" I nodded then he left.

I looked at the clock and it read 4:56 A.M. I was exhausted but wide awake at the same time.

My thoughts were cut short when a strong wave of pain washed over me and I reached for Conners hand. He quickly grabbed it and squeezed while moving up to kiss my cheek and rubbing my back.

After about a minute the pain went away and I relaxed.

"Do you want some ice chips?" He asked softly and I nodded. He grabbed the spoon from the cup and put it up to my lips where I quickly brought it into my mouth and then released it when I had the ice in my mouth.

"Thanks" I mumbled. I heard the door open so I looked over to see the doctor come in. She gave me a slight smile before moving towards my feet.

"Hi Elena,how are you doing?" She asked giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm fine just wanting to see my baby" I said while giving her a smile and rubbing my tummy.

"She'll be here soon enough. So I'm just going to check how many centimeters you're dilated" I gave her a nod and she went to it.

When I could see her face again she had a big smile on her face and I gave her a look.

"You are ten centimeters" she said and I almost cheered. I then looked over at Conner to see him looking confused. He was so innocent sometimes.

"Are you ready to meet baby bee?" I asked with a giant smile on my face. His face immediately lit up and he grabbed my hand kissing the top of it.

"Okay we will just have you moved to the delivery room and in a just a little bit you will have your baby girl in your arms"she said with a smile and then she exited the room.

Conner turned towards me immediately and grabbed my face kissing me like his life depended on it. When he pulled back he grinned at me.

"Our baby girl" was the only thing he said.
"One more big push!" Conner basically screamed and with everything I had I pushed as hard as I possibly could.

A sharp cry pierced the air and then a baby was placed on my almost bare chest. I looked down at the slightly greyish baby who was covered in a bunch of blood and goop and couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes.

She was absolutely perfect.

"You did fantastic" Conner whispered into my ear and I nodded while still staring at the baby before the nurses took her away to clean her up and make sure nothing was wrong with her.
Kylie Louise Melody

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