2. Meet the children

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The kids above


"Hi Taylor" I said when one of my little girls walked up to me.

"Aunt May made cookies" she exclaimed.

I lifted her up and sat her on my hip.

"Did she? Wow" I exclaimed making my voice happier then it was.

I walked into the kitchen to see Skylar,Bradley,and Violet sitting at the island with flour all over their faces.

"Mommy" they all yelled at the same time.

"Hi babies" I said while walking up to each of them and kissing them on their heads.

"Okay guys time for bath time" my best friend May said coming around the corner.

"Oh Elena you're home" she said with a guilty smile.

"Yeah and what have I said about sugar?" I said accusingly.

"Not to do it before dinner" she said while looking down but she still had a smirk on her face.

"But anyways thank you for watching them today"

"Lena anytime you know that but I gotta go" she said while picking up her purse.

"Got a hot date?" I teased.

"Oh yeah with my cosmo and bubble bath" she said before yelling bye to all of us.

"Okay prince and princesses you are very messy up to the bathroom" I said while setting Taylor on the ground.
Bath time consisted of screaming from Bradley because he hates bathes and Taylor and Sky splashing me with water after I put their diapers on I let them play in their room.

So now here I sat with Violet in the bathtub and me washing her hair out of all my children she was the only one who looked like me and acted like me. She had brown hair and brown eyes she also had my tan skin.

She was a very quiet girl and she had a mothering instinct over her siblings which I loved.

"Mommy I love you" she said looking up at me.

"I love you too baby" she made my heart constrict when she did that.

After her bath was over I let her go get dressed because in her words she was "a big girl who can get dressed on her own".

When I walked in the triplets room Bradley was crying while Taylor and Sky were playing with Barbie dolls and action figures. When Bradley saw me he ran to me and hugged my legs. I quickly picked him up.

"Momma" he only said that when he was tired or upset any other time it was mommy.

Bradley looked almost nothing like me with his blonde hair and blue eyes. He didn't act like me either he was his own man as he liked to say.

"What's wrong Bradley bear?" I asked while kissing his cheek tasting his salty tears.

"Sky" sniffle "and" sniffle "Taylor" sniffle "took" sniffle "my" sniffle "bubba" and with that he started sobbing.

"They took your bubba?" And he nodded. His "bubba" was his stuffed bear that he has had since he was born it was given to him by my mother.

"Girls come here" using my stern mom voice. They quickly got up and walked in front of me. Bradley still bawling in my neck.

"Yes mommy" they asked using there sugary sweet voices.

"Where is your brothers bubba?" I asked giving them pointed looks.

"We hid him cause Bradley is too old for him" Sky told me.

"He is,is he? Then what about your blankie Sky and your puppy Taylor?"
I asked them.

"Well their special to us" Taylor told me.

"Well bubba is special to Bradley" I told them and they looked at their feet.

"We sorry" they told me.

"Don't apologize to me" I told them.

"We sorry Bradley"

"Now go get his bear" I told them sternly and Sky took off out of the room and returned minutes later with Bradley's blue bear. She quickly handed him to me and I handed to Bradley who quickly took it.

Sky and Taylor looked nothing like me either but they looked like each other they both had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Sky tended to be more outgoing then taylor.

I was about to set him down when he started crying harder and tightened his arms around me. So I just held him and walked out of his room.

Violet walked out of her room at the same moment I walked out of the triplets room. Violet saw her brothers distress and rushed over to him.

"Bradley whats the matter buddy?" She asked sounding concerned. I just grabbed her hand and walked down the stairs and into the living room. Violet sat next to me rubbing his back.

"What's wrong baby? You got your bubba back" I asked him and he pulled his face out of my neck and looked up at me with his big baby blues.

"I missed you momma" he said then tears started streaming down his face. I felt as if my heart tore in half. I felt like a terrible mother. I willed back tears.

"Momma missed you too" I said and started rocking him back and forth.

"Violet honey can you get your sisters and bring them down here so I can keep an eye on them" I asked her.

"Of course mommy" she said. Sometimes I felt she acted older then her age but I loved her.

She returned five minutes later with two fussy toddlers who as soon as they saw me yanked their hands from hers and ran to me. They quickly jumped on the couch and cuddled into my sides.

"Violet come here" I told her and she jumped on the couch got really close behind Taylor and I ran my hand through her hair.

"Thank you for helping me today" I told her.

"You're welcome mommy, I love you"

"I love you too baby girl" I smiled.
After they had all had dinner and I had given all of them another bath since they made a mess during dinner it was finally bedtime. Hallelujah!

Once I got them all in bed. I showered and got ready for bed myself. I was exhausted from my children and from work it was killing me.

I laid down and closed my eyes and I fell fast asleep thinking of my attractive as fúck boss.

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