-Chapter V-

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"No. There's gotta be another way." Thomas rubbed his chin as he turned and stood around the table along with everyone else, Evelyn rolled her eyes from beside him and let out a humorless scoff.

     "Like what? You've seen the building, she is our only way in." Gally protested.

     "Yeah, why is it that every single time I could be in just the tiniest amount of danger, you freak out and think I should be put on a leash?" Evelyn asked looking up at him from her spot leaning her elbows on the table, head turned to him with a scowl.

     "That's not it. Do you really think she's gonna help us?" He questioned.

     "Wasn't planning on asking for her permission." Gally stated, Thomas and Evelyn turning to him as she held out an agreeing hand towards the boy and nodded her head.

     "Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us correct? Same dick?" Brenda gave Thomas a stern look at her inquiry.

     "I like her." Gally muttered pointing to the girl.

     "What's going on?" She asked a little more sympathetic this time.

     Thomas shook his head as Newt let out a scoff, everyone's eyes landing on him. "Do you even care about Minho?"

"What?" Thomas furrowed his brows at the boy, Newts face contorted into a look clearly he's never seen before.

"Every chance we get to save him, you try and change all our plans." Newt stood to his feet and started towards Thomas slowly.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" He only grew more confused.

"Minho. We have a plan now and you can't go through with it because Evelyn is in danger? Well guess what, we're all in danger all the time." He seethed, Evelyn watching intently as he got closer to Thomas. "We're all at risk here and you don't want to because of her?"

Thomas's back hit the wall, Newt getting very close to his face. Evelyn has never seen him like this and it was shocking to say the least. Like he would hit something or someone. "You're really willing to jeopardize everything we've worked for to get to this point all because your girlfriend could get hurt? Just admit it."

"Newt I-"

"Don't lie to me! Don't..lie..to..me!" Newts hands wrapped around the collar of Thomas's jacket as he shoved him against the wall with an intense stare, the sound of the action startling Evelyn making her shoulders jump.

A moment passed filled with an awkward silence and Newt seeming to come to his senses as he stepped back and looked at Thomas softer than before. "Sorry." He muttered barely audible before turning back to everyone else. "I'm sorry." He gripped his right forearm with his left and glanced around the room before walking out.

Evelyns stare shifted from where Newt disappeared to, over to Thomas as he straightened his jacket and brought his eyes to meet hers. She gestured for him to follow after the boy to which he nodded and walked out of the room, everyone seeming to let out a simultaneous sigh.

"What the hell was that?" Gally asked no one in particular as he leaned against the table with his hands, Evelyn shaking her head and letting out an agitated huff of air before letting her head fall into her folded arms across the table.


Evelyn walked out after a few minutes of waiting, literally not able to stop herself as she made her way outside to find Thomas and Newt standing up.

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