Chapter 6

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The chapter may be a little quiet with a little violence at first..

Anyway, enjoy~


*crashhh* !!!


The bottle fell to the ground after the little boy hit the table.

“You little brat!!! How dare you!”
The child felt pain in many parts of his body, and he feels very hungry, he has not eaten for more than a day, and there is a wound in the sole of his hand from the glass that fell next to him.
But he didn't care about all this.. No, he didn't have time to take care of his pain, he had to run away from his angry uncle, he didn't know why his uncle was hitting him, but he stopped thinking about the reason after he was beaten so much.

“You rubbish!!!, you are useless!!!, you are just a heavy burden!!”

The angry adult was kicking the child while cursing him loudly, while the child turned on himself and bit his lower lip to restrain his voice so that he would not be subjected to more beatings, but he still showed a moan with every hit and kick made by his uncle..

The child began to weaken and lose consciousness with every hit, and hunger made matters worse, then he felt himself rising, his uncle was holding him by his collar and lifting him up.

His uncle raised a hand to slap him... and the child... couldn't even defend himself from getting tired so he just closed his eyes..



"haaah.. haah.. haa.. !"

Cale woke up panting and sweating.

'This dream... why am I dreaming about this after all this time?...'

He closed his eyes and then took a deep breath to calm down

Then he turned to look at his children

'That's good, they didn't notice'

He finally stopped panting and patted his children with a small smile.

'I am relieved that they are living their childhood right'
Then he went back to sleep, there was still time before Ron came.

Little did he know that his children were paying attention to all this...

“Young master, it’s time to wake up.”

'ugh!, I want to sleep more!'

Cale woke up despite his grumbling, not wanting to anger his fearsome servant.

click click

"Human! Hurry up and wake up! We're going to visit your family today!!"

click click

"Wake up you lazy Nya~"


“Lazy cale~”

The kids are constantly clicking on cale's face

Cale finally sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly
'I did not sleep well..'

Cale's nightmares continued even in the simple time before Ron woke him up, it wasn't as bad as the first nightmare, but it was annoying.


“Choi Han… are you okay?”

Cale was heading to the dining room and then met Choi Han on his way
Choi Han's eyes were red and swollen

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