Chapter 5

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( Elijah's POV)

I've felt fear multiple times in my life

But today is a whole differen kind of fear

"You know you can't back out now" Xiao Lee whispered behind my ear causing me to bite my tongue as I stared at the front door anticipating for what's about to come.

"I know what I got myself into, weakness isn't in our dictionary" I reminded myself causing Xiao Lee to chuckle whole heartedly.

You've done so much for us, it's my turn to return the favor

"Remember, if he raises his hands at you even once, don't hesitate to go overdrive" He said seriously causing me to nod as he patted my back in motivation.

Overdrive huh?, he better not take that back.

"Damn this mask aint helping at all" I cursed under my breath when Xiao Lee went out to answer someone on the phone.

And the possibility of it being King is higher than my grades.

"Code Eli.." I heard Spade mutter as he stared at me, his smirk more than familiar that I too found myself smiling.

"Yes, he's more than ready" He stated on the phone causing the line to go dead almost immediately.

Nobody would dare cut down the line of the known acer of the ring, Spade usually's the first one to decide on ending the call.

But of course, this is king we're talking about, Spade can't do shit even if he tried.

"He's here, and he bought the Scorpion with him" Xiao Lee stated causing my eyes to widen.

The known poisonous fighter in the academy, Scorpion, was King's first and only desciple within the past years since he joined the academy.

A lot had tried to show off during fights when King was the judge to try and get his attention and maybe..just maybe they'd be worthy enough to be his desciple, but alas, not one had been able to do it.

Scorpion, was the only person King recommended in the academy and had been his right hand man ever since.

Kinda like his personal dog.

Except this one doesn't just know how to bark.

"I apologize for the inconvenience"  An unfamiliar voice said slamming the door open.

The once pressuring aura had made the air almost non existent as he went in, his eyes stoic behind his golden mask yet his voice was sweet as sugar with his expensive golden robe flying lightly from behind.


__________CHANGE POVS__________

( Cristopher's POVS)

I've never liked Spade

Something about this whole retro shit just rubs me off the wrong way. That old geezer must be hiding something under his sleeve.

And to think he was able to convince Finn in letting his filthy desciples mentor my brothers?

That just made shit more suspicious.

"Your killing intent is radiating off of you like pheromones, whatever your planning it's not happening under my watch" Finn stated as I trailed behind him causing me to roll my eyes.

Why exactly did I become this idiot's lover?

"Whatever" I grumbled as we continued to walk down the hallways,
it's almost like a time travel back to the past.

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