Chapter 7

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( Elijah's POV)

After the raining incident, me and Cristopher had never once spoken to each other again.

Thank fuck for that one.

"And what do you think the three of you are doing?" I deadpanded as I stared at the three suppose to be scary looking males eating burgers.

My training with King's lovers started three days ago and I have concluded that, Scorpion is indeed trying to make me fail.

King's lovers..lets just say I didn't expect them to be like this.

Considering King's persona, I had  expected that his lovers would be at the very least fragile or feminine looking.

But bro, the two be looking like hulk's second hand cousin twice removed.

They're both masculine looking sure, but they do not look intimidating unlike Scorpion or King.

Code J, is King's main lover that he wanted me to teach thoroughly, his build wasn't technically that masculine, he was rather on the skinny side, but his muscles were still noticable nonetheless.

Code K, is King's second lover that he wanted me to supervise, now this shit is masculine, tho him and Code J were different in terms of build..

They both had one thing in common.

They both suck in the ring.

"Oh puh lease, give them a break, it was just a small trip down Mc Donald's, they already know the basics let them rest" Scorpion said dismissively while Code J and Code K happily ate their burgers to which is a sign of disrespect within the dojo.

King didn't even teach these shit heads simple manners.

What to do..

If I can't earn their respect, I might as well label this mission failed.

What to do

Think Elijah..

A sudden smile suddenly broke my face as I grinned from ear to ear, a plan where I can loosen up my pent up frustrations for the past three days teaching these shit heads.

After all, the dojo is a place for people who finds pleasure in hurting people.

"Why don't we make a little bet" I said to which had successfully took the three's interest.

These three are still competitive at the end of the day.

No matter how much they suck at the ring.

" What kind of bet?" Code J asked with a raised brow making me internally grit my teeth.

This fucker doesn't even know how to address his teacher

( AN: within the dojo wether you're  younger than your students, as long as you're the one teaching, you are addressed to as 'teacher' or 'master')

"Hurt me" I stated in korean causing the two to look at me as if I was out of my mind while Scorpion only smirked seemingly liking the idea.

I love it when I have the upper hand.

"Elaborate" Code K asked causing me to smirk while walking up the ring as I felt their eyes drilling holes behind my back.

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