chapter 19

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Chapter 19

(Slowly editing) My Life Hidden as a Shifter [Completed]

* Lightning's POV *

I sat by the window watching the snow fall. It looks so beautiful, if you look closely you can see the snow sparkle in the sun, but no sun is out just clouds.

Lilly was next to me, watching the little snowflakes fall. Her red hair was pinned into a ponytail, and her blue eyes were shining by the window. The fireplace cracked up, the room suddenly turned really warm.

Zach was sitting on the couch texting on his phone. Lilly was laughing as she saw a squirrel slipped on a tree branch and fell.

Lilly looked at me, then back at the window, her eyes glomming with excitement.

I looked out the window watching the wind blow against trees. I know their out there, watching us every minute. I use my hawk sight, that's when I saw moment.

It's far away where we are, but I know they'll stay away when I'm here. "Can we go outside, please." Lilly said getting up.

Zach looked nervous as Lilly ran to him. "Come on, let's go make a snowman." Zach had a blush coming to his cheeks.

"Can we Light. Oh please." I looked out the window.

Should I? No, maybe.

I nodded at her and she jumped up and down. She ran to the coats and shoes. She put on her pink boots and pink coat, then put on hat and gloves. Zach got on his and headed for the door, before Zach could go outside I grabbed his shoulder.

"Zach, someone is out in the woods. I'll be in wolf form, okay?" He nodded and looked at Lilly.

"Will she be okay?" I nodded and they went outside. I changed inside, now I'm in wolf form.

I don't think the hunter knows who I am, or what I am. I walked outside to the cold wind. The wind blew against my white fur and it felt nice. I walked down the steps still my paw hit the cold snow.

Excitement went through me as I jumped right into the snow. I rolled in it and it felt great.

I heard laughing not far from me, I looked up to see Zach and Lilly laughing at me. I growled, but that just made them laugh more.

I got up and licked my paws from the snow. I looked at the forest where the trees brushing against each other.

I let Zach and Lilly play as I sat down on the cold ground. I lifted my head and sniffed the air. Nothing, no smell or any scent, but I know their out there. The wind got worse, I growled at Zach and he got the idea.

He grabbed Lilly and they both went inside. I stayed outside, then I stood up and walked to the forest edge.

I heard feet that was running away. I ran toward the sound. I looked behind me to see Zach's house becoming small.

Why am I doing this? I don't know.

I made it to a lake that wasn't far from Zach's house. The ground was covered in snow, about 3-4 inches and the lake was covered with ice. For some reason the lake looks familiar, like I've been here before

A figure was standing near lake, I noticed it was a man with black hair, and he had shades on even though there was no sun.

The man turned around, that's when I knew who he was, the hunter from my dream, and this was the lake where we met every time.

I growled and bared my teeth. "Is that anyway to say hello to an old friend." He had shades on his face to cover his red eyes and a smile spread his stupid face.

My Life Hidden as a ShifterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin