Chapter 1: Beginning Part 1

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My Life Hidden as a Shifter [Completed]

*Lighting's Pov*

    Eleven is a big number on my part, but it dragged in the long winter years that I lived in the orphanage. Since my parents abandoned me years ago, age of six, it's been hard, yet quiet. Everyone acting the same, and boring all together. Myself is boring, but my life isn't since I'm the last of my wicked kind. It's not wicked, but a unique gift.

I'm a shapeshifter.

A human turning into a beast of the unknown.

Every night of my life, I sneak out of my home, and turn into my beautiful white owl. It's very odd because all my animal forms are white, it's rare though. My mother, before she left, had the ability to shift normally into animals without being white. She even told me it was rare, plus she says it's a sign of Greatness and Power which sounds stupid to me.

Anyway, my favorite part about being a shifter is that I can turn into creatures that fly. I love the feel of it, becoming an owl for example, but my favorite animal is my pure white wolf, and that's because that was the first animal I shifted into. It's kind of cool that my eyes are still blue with a hint of green in them when I shift because usually that doesn't happen.

The best part of being a wolf is that I'm welcomed into wild wolf packs in the woods where I hunt with them, and eat with them since I don't eat much at the orphanage which gives me low average of my life.

Shaking my head from my memories, I let my body shift into my wolf, and began to run. I took a deep breath, and howled at the waiting moon. The feeling of its light brought power to me, keeping me compose. The orphanage came into view so I leaped up, my body once again shifting, but into a owl.

I flapped wings and landed on my windowsill, turning back into my true self, and I placed my naked feet on the floor as I entered my room. I slowly went over to my mirror and laughed softly as noticed twigs and dirt in my hair, Ms. Grossman is going to be ticked, I thought while going over to my almost broken dresser. Pulling out a large t-shirt, and shorts I walked over to my tiny bathroom that was installed not long ago.

I walked in and turned on the water, then looking myself in the mirror again. My two piece of thick cloth wrapped around my breast and lower half, keeping me dressed which I'm thankful.

After showering, I covered myself, and walked back into my room. It still looks the same when I first arrived here: brown walls with mold on the ceiling, my bed that needs a new spring, which will hurt my back the most.

After I pulled my clothes on, I ran a brush through my long brownish hair, then brushed my teeth before going to my bed where I felt the springs pierced through me.

I covered myself up, and try to fluff my pillow to where my head will be, then grab the necklace around my neck, feeling the coolness of it.

I lay there thinking of what's going to happen tomorrow morning. Closing my eyes, I whispered; "I'll never give up on my hopes." After that I fell asleep, in the emptiness of my room.


"Wake up Lighting, we have visitors!" I groaned while getting out of my bed, stretching my arms and legs from the soreness.

"I'll be there in a few minutes!" I hollered back before grabbing my towel that was on the end of my bed, then headed to the shower.

After a good hot shower, I put on a blue shirt, and ripped jeans. I brush my hair, then put it up in a messy wet bun.

I jogged down the stairs, passing the other kids that were all dressed up. I got stopped by Ms. Grossman at the bottom of the steps, turning me to her. She check my hair and clothes, pursing her lips together.

"You should dress better, Ms. Reed." She said annoyed.

"I told you all the time, I don't have any nice clothes Ms. Grossman." I said annoyed.

"Whatever, we have some buyers and your the first to go on the list. Just get in there and act nice or else you will get no supper tonight if they don't pick you." She explained.

I rolled my eyes, but understood.

I walked into the room where I notice two adults and a teenage boy. The man is like 6'5 and I can tell he was different. He had dark black hair, cut to where his eyes are and to nape of his neck. He had brown eyes, that were very odd because there was a hint of yellow in them. Also had on a black suit with a red tie, and black shoes.

Now, the women next to him had dark brown hair that was cut to her shoulders. She had brownish eyes just like her husband, and if you look in her eyes you feel at peace, yet you don't know, it could hide a storm. She also wore a light blue dress with spots of pink on it.

Now, the teenage boy was kind of cute. He had black hair like his dad, and brown eyes from both of them, but he has his mothers features. He wore green shirt that says 'You Stink' and orange shorts.

I walked up to them with a smile before saying, "Hello, my name is Lightning Reed. It's a pleasure."

The father walked up to me and said, "Hello, Lighting. Like wise. I'm Mr. Roger or you can just call me Daniel and this is my wife, Mary. My son over there is Timmy." Mr. Roger pulled his hand out for me to take.

First I just stared at his hand, but gave in and shook it. When I touch his hand, I felt this strange feeling. The warmth from his hand was unnatural.

I gave him a questioning look that clearly says it all. Mrs. Roger stepped up and put up her hand out as well.

I took it too and shook it, but I came up with no feeling like her husband. She gave me a warm smile that says she's very kind.

It's quite odd that I have the ability to notice emotions of another being. I found this out when I ten. Right now, Mrs. Roger looks like I can trust her, but that has to wait and earned.

I have to get to know them better, if they adopt me of course .

Timmy came up to us, but instead of shaking hands, he just bowed, and smiled. I just smiled in return with a short bow.

We all sat at the table that was in the center of the room. Mr. Roger spoke first, "So please tell us about you?" He said.

"We'll I'm 17 years old, I'm 6'2. My favorite colors are blue and white. My parents are gone. I love nature and camping. I don't really do much than going outdoors. I draw pictures of wild animals too. Is their anything I missed?" They all stared at me with big smiles that started to creep me out.

Mrs. Roger spoke next, "No, nothing else. One thing though, are you afraid of any animals?" She asked. I thought about it, but I didn't have to. I wasn't afraid of anything.

I spoke, "No animal scares me Mrs. Roger. Honestly, animals love me." I giggled at that.

Mrs. Roger had this face of wonder.

Picture: Lightning(top left), Ms. Grossman(top right), Mary(bottom left), and Daniel(as Liam Neeson bottom right)

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My Life Hidden as a ShifterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz