Mondstadt: Amber.

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- isn't the Traveler's lovely guide?

[Y/n] was out of Mondstadt, carrying a bag full of berries. She was going to visit Razor, when was stopped in the middle of the bridge.

She turn to look back, seeing none than Amber himself staring at her, with a soft smile.

- Oh, hey amber.

He start to walk closer, looking her up and down.

- Where you planning to go?

- Just visit a friend.

- a 'friend?'

He raise a eyebrow, just to stop in front of her with arms crossed.

- Bennett's friend to be honest.

- ah, Razor.

She nod, feeling... strange. When the place ambience got so.. tense?

- well, I better be going then. Have a great day amber!

[Y/n] smiled, walking past Amber giving him a small bump on the shoulder.

- wait.

Almost falling back, [y/n] felt a heavy hand on her back, almost pushing the girl down.
Looking back, Amber had his arm around her shoulder, his face down, his hair covering his eyes.

I felt like... I was in deep danger.

- uh... is there... something you need?

He didn't answer, just keep quiet.

- uh... Am-

- How bout we walk a little?

He didn't waited for me to finish and start to drag me somewhere.


After a long time walking, [y/n] was sat on closer to where Klee buried her 'treasure', looking at the reflection on the thr water. She pick up and peddle and throw it, seein it jump over 4 times and finally sink.

Amber said he would take some fruit to us but already have been some minutes and it seem I wasn't gonna be so long until the sunset.

-hey, sorry for taking so long.

I look over my shoulder and saw Amber wirh some fruits on his arms.

- it's okay, we could have just eat some from the bag... Razor probably wouldn't be out this late.

I said in a sad tone, I really wanted to meet up with him again, but it was already later and even if I start to walk over there now, it would take some time and probably be dark.

I saw Amber sat beside me as I hugged my knees to my chest.

- sorry... I just wanted to spend some time with you, you know?

I look up at him, seeing him eat some apple with a hurt look.

- you... always stuck with your-... the Traveler and... I... I don't know.

The way he said 'your' almost sound like he ate lemon and spit it out.

- it's okay...

- ... hey, can I braid you hair?

I turn to look at him, seein him took some flowers from the ground.

- uh... sure.

- I turn my back at him and let my wings rest on the grassy floor, I felt him start to braid my hair as I start to play with some leaves, until I heard a cut sound?

- w-wha? Hey, what did you?-

- nothing it's... got a knot. I cut it, sorry.

Strange, when I left the house I brush my hair 3 times and didn't have any knot...

After some minutes, I let out a sigh just in time to Amber finish to braid it.

- there.

- I'll look on the water.

I just heard a 'Hum' from him, jumping down over the rock, I saw my reflection on the water.

I just heard a 'Hum' from him, jumping down over the rock, I saw my reflection on the water

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- wow...

I was too busy admiring myself...

Too busy to notice Amber place my locks around a napkin and into his pocket.


On out way to Mondstadt  ir was really soothing. Already dark by the time we arrive, it was a good day to say.

Guess I'll have to spare another time to look and talk with my dear friend Wolf boy.

As I wave Amber 'see ya' I quickly enter the hotel.

Amber got a dark look on his face, turning to walk his house. Taking the napkin out, placing it against his nose and take a long whiff of it, letting out a heavy breath.

- she really smell like mint...~


Amber: 21 —> 30/100.

Amber: 21 —> 30/100

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