"What If Remus Came In Peace?"

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This is a light novel that is being updated on Patreon per Patron's request. It is Pet if Remus came in peace instead of as an invader. It is available on the Bibliomanic and above tiers.

The Link is in my bio! 

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"Iris? Iris!" I tense as my father's voice booms at me through the screen. I meet his bright green gaze with tears in my eyes.

"I got the fellowship," I whisper. His eyes widen and he leans back in his seat, thrusting his fists in the air in triumph. A giggle leaves my lips as more tears stream down my face. I toss my head back, letting the entire apartment complex hear me.

"I got the fellowship!" I scream.

Eight years of my life have gone to this very moment. I am now untouchable in the world of astrophysics. I can land a job anywhere in the world; anywhere in the known universe if I play my cards right. I never thought in a million years I would be here. Up until the Leviathan arrived on our planet I never found an interest in anything outside of princess films and Barbies.

Their arrival sparked my interest in the world around me and what I thought actually existed. They came with technology and power beyond our imagining, shattering what we originally believed was our own reality. What should have been terror and turmoil was quickly swiped up by their leader who not only let us know we are no longer in control of our world but that we have no place in theirs as well. The Leviathan came and occupied their own region of our planet, housing an entire society shielded from our eyes and not one human life was lost. It was the most peaceful takeover in the history of our planet and it wasn't even accomplished by its inhabitants.

And now, I have been invited to complete the remainder of my Ph.D. using their knowledge within their society. Only four other people around the world have been offered this opportunity and I managed to be one of them. If I play my cards right, I could be invited to stay among their own or even to travel off-world. This is something that only one human in the history of the Leviathan's arrival has been able to accomplish. And it's my plan to be the second.

"So what happens now? When does it begin?" My father asks. I look down at the paper, going over the instructions swiftly. My smile drops only slightly when I realize the date.

"Saturday. They'll send a courier to escort me to their main port in the Pacific where I'll go through orientation and live out the second semester," I say softly.

"Saturday? But that's your birthday. They're coming to get you so soon?" I can hear the disappointment in my dad's voice at the suddenness of my departure. I've been in school for a total of eight years on the opposite coast from where my family lives. My father visits when he can, but his job is demanding giving him little moments like these to even speak with me. We thought for sure I'd have more time, and we'd be able to at least celebrate together. But it would seem that the Leviathan prefers to immediately get the ball rolling as opposed to humans who need time to celebrate and wrap their heads around the news.

"The courier will arrive tomorrow," I say.

When I look at my father, he's watching me with a gentle expression. I can tell he's trying to hide his disappointment for the sake of not tainting this moment. He smiles, his eyes glittering with pride.

"You did it. All on your own, you did it. And I am so proud of you Iris."

I offer him the best smile I can.

"Thanks, Dad."

My father has been my biggest cheerleader for as long as I can remember. He and my brother never got along growing up. He wanted Cypress to take over the family business which was something that Cypress was never interested in. And a couple of years after the Leviathan arrived, Cypress stopped coming around. We haven't heard from him in years. My father tries to hide it but I know it hurts him. My mother as well. Which is why my father wholeheartedly supported my decision in my career path.

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