Chapter 3

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It's been weeks since my last encounter with the Leviathan. Since then, I have only seen his servants enter in and out of the room. I tell the days by the times that the women come in. They bring me three meals a day and make sure I am washed and ready for bed before leaving the room.

Right on schedule, Ruth walks in. The wall disappears upon her presence, and she enters with that eerie blank look in her eyes. I've resorted to naming the servants at this point in my capture since they refuse to speak to me. It also brings me comfort imagining that these women are no longer former shells of themselves. I've named Ruth, Bertha, and Gertrude.

Over the past few weeks, I've eaten like I'm supposed to, and have been training in the room when they leave. It's become much easier to train my body since I have a constant influx of food in my system.

My body has also gone through an extensive change since arriving here. My bones aren't stretching against my skin, and my features aren't as harsh. They have finally begun to fill out. It's fascinating to see what a few weeks of healthy eating can do for the body. And due to my personal exercise, the small bit of muscle I do have has become nicely toned.

I watch Ruth as she places the meal for today on the table near the lounge area. She carefully sets the plates and drinks down, adjusting everything accordingly. Just as I had anticipated, her gaze never comes in my direction. She doesn't even acknowledge me. I slowly stand as she begins making her way back to the wall that doubles as an exit.

The Leviathan hasn't been here for weeks. I can only assume he's away from this place joining another battle against humanity or hidden in these halls. Either way, he has lost interest in me, giving me the perfect opportunity to escape. And if I'm caught, then he will easily kill me.

It's a win-win.

I wait until Ruth gets close to the wall and just as I anticipated, the solid mass disappears upon her approach. The moment it dissolves, I sprint across the room, shoving her hard in the back through the wide space. I don't wait for a reaction. I sprint up the familiar hall making my way to the waiting double doors that are open. My fingers furiously press against the buttons, relief washing over me when the doors finally begin to close.

When I look up, I see Ruth. She's standing outside the room I was once held in with the tray in her hands. She doesn't try and advance on me, nor does her face hold any emotion. She just watches me with that terrifyingly blank expression as the doors finally close.

I slide down the metal wall trying to catch my breath. My nerves are on fire and my adrenaline is pumping. My brain is still on high alert. I know it can't be this easy. It can't be. Ruth didn't pursue me, nor did she try and stop me once I attacked her. And that's what terrifies me the most.

The room stops moving and the doors slide open to reveal a large open room. I slowly take a step out looking to the left. It's the same room I came into when I first arrived. The room he brought me in to eat. It's empty.

My instincts are screaming at me to go back. Just go back to the room and forget this whole plan to escape. But my brain is telling me to find the way out. It's too late to go back. One way or another, the Leviathan will know of my attempt. I would rather find out everything I can and get away than go back without a fight.

The doors close behind me startling me from my thoughts. There's definitely no way back now. I make my way through the hall, only the sound of my feet echoing off the smooth marble floor accompanies me. I can see an archway at the end of the hall, so I make my way towards it. As I pass through the large room, I look around at the overarching windows. Wherever this place is, it seems to be high up and surrounded by greenery. It makes me wonder who this particular Leviathan could be. Is he someone important? Is he an eccentric of his own people?

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