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𝖒𝖆𝖝 lurched away from his bed as Sarah Sanderson reached for him. He grasped Donna's hand and pulled her to him. The closet door swung open and Winnifred and Mary stepped out, book and Dani held tight.

"Looking for this?" Winnifred grinned, shaking the book in their face.

"Or this?" Mary giggled, hand cupped over Dani's mouth. Max screamed and tried to run from Winnifred as she opened the book, a bright ball of blue light shot itself at Max and knocked him into his drum set. Donna hurried to help him up, then began to circle herself in salt, paying that it would work.

"Salt!" Winnifred gasped. "What a clever little white witch. But it will not save thy friends." Winnifred laughed evilly as her sisters and her began to swoop down on the teenage girl. "No, come sisters. The candle's magic is almost spent. Dawn approaches." The old witch told her sisters.

"Bye-bye." Sarah waved to Donna as Max stumbled to get up.

"Max!" Dani called out before the witches mounted their brooms and blasted through the roof of the house. Wooden boards came down upon Donna, knocking her down. When she finally stood and gained her balance, she ran to the top of the stairs and stared as they flew away with Dani.

"Dani!" Donna screamed, she turned and ran back to Max who was struggling to stay conscious. "Max! Are you okay?" Donna helped him up slowly.

"Where's Dani?" Max groaned, rubbing his head.

"They took Dani, we gotta go." Donna told him, tears stinging her eyes.

"They-they did what?" Max was suddenly alert now, seeing the whole in the roof. He ran up the steps as a silky voice sang out. Kids in the street still dressed in costume, walked in a dream like state to where ever they were being led. "Hey, you guys! Don't listen to her! Hey, up here!" Max shouted down at the kids, none looked up. Max shouted as Donna was thinking of a plan.

"Max! I have an idea." She grabbed Max by his shoulders and turned him to face her. "The candle's magic will soon be spent, that's what Winnie said. And dawn approaches. The Black Flame Candle only brought them back for this one Halloween night. And unless they can steal the lives of children, when the sun comes up, they'll be dust." Donna explained to the stoic faced boy, his jaw clenching and unclenching in anger.

"Yeah, but how can we make the sun come up? They've got Dani." Max hung his head, sighing. "We need a miracle." He whispered. Donna felt her skin tingle, this moment felt like a calling. She knew what she needed to do. Donna left Max to run to her house and find her mothers spell book. Donna had seen a spell once, one that let a witch use her inner "shine" so to speak. If a witch was good enough, the light would be bright and hardly harm them. But if it was an evil, dark witch, there would be no light and it would do more harm than good. Donna memorized the spell and and pocketed a few crystals for luck then met Max in the street out side his house. He took the car from the drive way and drove them carefully to the witches house. Donna practically threw her self from the car and sprinted into the cottage, bursting through the door to see Dani restrained to a chair and Jay and Ice hanging from the ceiling in cages.

                       "Hello, sisters." Donna glared darkly at the witches. Dani watched as Donna moved and spoke, but the words and the anger came from somewhere else.

                  "You! You have no real powers here, you fool!" Winnifred pointed a crooked finger at the blonde girl, her hands clenched in fists at her sided. Sarah grabbed Dani by the face as the little girl squealed for help.

                      "Witch bitch?" Jay asked in astonishment, she ignored the stupid boy.

                   "I am far stronger than you think. I use the power of good to fight your evil, just like Fiona." Donna explained to the Sanderson's, she unclenched her hand and raised it, palm open to the witches. "Sicut lux in me erit
perspicuus viam meam
aut derelinquas me in anima mea." Donna chanted the spell. (as the light in me shall quide me
brighten my path
or leave me to drown in my soul).

"What's this? Are trying to charm us?" Winnifred cackled, her sisters joining in. Donna felt a tingling in her body.

"Sicut lux in me erit
perspicuus viam meam
aut derelinquas me in anima mea." She said once more, feeling heat burn in her palm. "Sicut lux in me erit perspicuus viam meam
aut derelinquas me in anima mea." This time her plan burned so badly she saw stars, her voice growing more and more strong with each repetition of the spell. Light poured from Donna's hand with a blast. The sisters began to scream, this was Max's que to turn on the headlights of the car at the lowest setting.

"Donna, help!" Dani whined finally, Donna slowly lowered her hand until she knew the witches believed it was the actual sun. The lights grew brighter as Donna ran to Dani to un-tie her and run. Donna's hand burned immensely as the witches acted as though they were being burned alive. Next, Dani and Donna went to save Binx from being held in a bag upside down over a fire. Jay and Ice called out for help but Donna felt they didn't deserve it. Donna kicked the cauldron over so it spilled it's gross contents onto the wooden floor as Ice cried out. Dani stopped in the door way and looked at Donna.

"I want to see them turn to dust!" The little girl told Donna firmly, holding Binx. Donna looked behind her at Max who was leaning out the drivers side window whistling at them to hurry up. "Pump it!" Dani changed her mind, running for the back seat.

"Go, Max!" Donna shouted, slumping into her seat. She was feeling far too drained to say more, this was probably why her mother never preformed these hard spells.

"Are they following us?" Max glanced in his mirrors, Donna let out a sigh once she glanced back and saw no one.

"No." She breathed out, letting her eyes fall closed and her head resting against the head rest of the chair.

"Good." Max sighed in relief, letting himself become less tense. No sooner than he had spoke, Winnifred appeared to be racing them on her broom.

"Pull over! Let me see your driver's permit." She cackled, Dani took this opportunity to scream in Donna's. Winnifred reached into the car and took Max by the neck. Donna gasped and placed one hand on the wheel and the other attempting to pry the witch's hands from his neck. Finally, Max was able to elbow the witch from the side of the car. "Resisting arrest?" Winnifred said again. Max took control of the steering wheel again while Donna leaned across him to punch Winnifred. This sent her flying back into the ditch.

"Yee-haw!" Max shouted, leaving the two girls to laugh and cheer as they escaped once again from the grasps of the Sanderson Sisters.

season of the witch, m.dennison Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora