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𝖙𝖍𝖊 car squealed into the parking space closest to the entrance of the cemetery. Binx shouted for them to hurry. Donna and Dani got pretty far down the path when they turned back to see Billy Butcherson again.

"Max!" Dani began to run for her brother, Donna took the girl by the arm to hold her back.

"No, wait, Dani!" Binx replied back. Donna pulled Dani to run away farther into the cemetery where they found big sticks in case Billy came for them next. Max broke through the brush followed by Binx and Billy.

"Max, move. I'm gonna-" Donna started, stepping up to the undead man.

"Stop! He's a good zombie." Max pointed to Billy who had his hands up defensively. Donna glanced over at her shoulder to see a disappointed Dani lowering her stick.

"A good zombie? That's like saying there's a tan vampire." Donna scoffed, keeping her stick firm in her grip.

"Donna." Max shook his head and let out a chuckle.

"Come on. We'll have to hold them off until dawn. It's our only hope." Binx beckoned for them to follow him once more. Max took off his coat and tossed it aside now, unzipping a black duffle bag. He tossed the container of salt to Donna while Billy brought Dani over.

"You'll be safe in here." Billy told Dani. The plan would be for Dani to stand or sit in Billy's grave and then draw a circle of salt around her. This would keep her fully protected until the dawn.

"You okay, Dani?" Max turned to his little sister.

"Yeah, fine." She said back. Billy lowered the little girl into the dirt grave gently. Max practiced swinging a baseball bat around aggressively, Donna circled Dani in salt, and Billy and Binx kept a lookout for the witches.

"Here they come!" Binx shouted. "Billy, guard Dani. Max, Donna, spread out!" The cat ordered them. Donna gave a nod to Max, wishing him luck before taking her big stick again and running off. Sarah Sanderson came flying in fast, but Donna took a handful of salt and threw it in her face. Sarah got a face full of salt and pulled away to the sky. Donna took this as a chance to run back to Max who was clamoring to his feet from the dirt.

"Are you okay?" Max turned to look at her taking her in his arms.

"Yeah. Are you?" She replied, Max nodded and they ran to get Dani from her grave but no curly blonde girl was to be found. Instead Winnifred was reaching for Dani who was screaming about 10 feet away.

"Max!" Dani screamed as Winnifred scooped her into the air.

"Bye-bye, big brother! So long, sister!" Winnifred cried out, taking Dani into the air above them. The potion Winnifred had needed all along was in her hands and now she had Dani. Everything moved too fast, Binx was knocking the vile of potion from Winnifred's hands, Max caught it.

"Let her go or I'll smash it!" Max shouted up at the witch.

"Smash it and she dies!" Winnifred yelled back, holding Dani by the neck. Donna could see the emotions in Max's eyes. Anger, sadness, and then suddenly acceptance. Donna watched has Max's eyes filled with tears and blinked over to meet her.

"Max, no!" Donna screamed, trying to claw herself away from Billy's grip. Max downed the potion as Dani, Donna, and Binx shouted against his actions.

season of the witch, m.dennison Where stories live. Discover now